I’m visiting family in Texas this week and enjoying the Lone Star State. It’s big, and hot, and there’s a whole lot of space (we’re not in a city)–except inside, ’cause there are a lot of us and we’re currently in a VRBO rental that has two fewer chairs in it than there are beds…

Around the Web
Not Me! Not I…but Christ
Marlys Roos reminds us not to rely on our own efforts.
- One of the perks of studying abroad with a college theater group was free or cheap tickets to theatrical productions playing wherever we were. Actors like to play to full houses, so if there are spare tickets, they are happy to find worthy recipients. On one such occasion while I was studying in Italy, the British National Theatre was touring with their production of The Passion Play, and we somehow gleaned tickets for a performance in Rome.
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The Striving Artist
Any time I get a chance to listen to Russ Ramsey speak about Van Gogh, I take it. Now you can, too.
- Here is a session from Hutchmoot 2017 where Russ explores the life and work of another artist—Vincent Van Gogh.
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The Way of the Hive by Jay Hosler
Janie at Redeemed Reader recommends a middle grade graphic novel.
- The Way of the Hive follows the life of a honeybee in clever graphic-novel style.
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Joy: Why Motherhood Doesn’t Have to be Ideal to Have Joy
Emily Jensen reminds us that motherhood is a joy even when it is not ideal.
- Have you ever imagined an ideal day of motherhood? In my imagination, the kids sleep quietly until seven without stirring, crying, or accidentally slamming a bathroom door. I have an uninterrupted quiet time and at least one cup of coffee before greeting anyone. Breakfast is bountiful and received with thanksgiving. People take turns talking and not a drop of milk falls out of place. I check everything off of my list, plus I have extra time to read a book. Questions are framed politely. Everyone gets what they need by themselves. There are no surprises and no one runs late or needs discipline. I’m in a great mood and don’t struggle with impatience or discontentment. Summed up in a sentence? Everything goes right.
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Around the Warren
Lessons in Love from Jo March
Aimee Davis points us to Little Men.
- Little Men is the perfect summer read-aloud. It is a story that celebrates motherhood, life-long learning, community and relationships. Through the antics of the boys and girls and the gentle patience of Jo and Mr. Bauer we are introduced to a lovely story sure to please any age.
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Looking Into The Lost Words
James D. Witmer takes his own journey into The Lost Words.
- After reading Laura Peterson’s glowing review of The Lost Words, by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris, I found this video introduction by the great Malcom Guite to be entirely delightful. I hope you do, too!
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The Magic of Story-Rich Games
Kathryn Butler introduces us to story-rich games.
- First, Maginos heard the clacking of jaws. Stooped on one knee, his whiskers drooping, the mouse wizard glanced up to see a monstrous spider looming above him, its eyes burning through the gloom like hot coals. Maginos stretched out a trembling forepaw, and the hint of a magic firebolt sparked between his fingers. Every muscle tightened as he held his forelimb aloft. The fire brightened, and hope swelled.
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Adventuring Across the Pond
Laura Peterson recommends Joy McCullough’s Across the Pond.
- If I were to create a grab-bag of elements that I thought would endear the Story Warren audience to a particular tale, and then randomly choose some and start to write, it’s certainly possible that I would come up with something like this: a middle-grade novel in which girl moves overseas with her family to a castle in Scotland, discovers a WWII-era diary by the castle’s previous owner, convinces her parents to homeschool her, and joins a bird-watching club. Great news, friends—this magical cocktail of delightful story elements exists in real life!
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Something to Do with Your Kids
July is a great time for family! If you’re looking for a way to spend the time, check out these suggestions for summer fun.
Something to Watch
Magnetic worms? Yes. Magnetic worms.

Thanks for reading. We’re on your side.
–The Story Warren Team
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 4 - February 1, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 3 - January 25, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 2 - January 18, 2025
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