The Warren & the World is Story Warren’s weekly newsletter, providing a round-up of our favorite things from around the web as well as a review of what was on our site over the past week. We’re glad you’re here!
Around the Web
Our Push for ‘Passion,’ and Why It Harms Kids
- At some point in the last 20 years the notion of passion, as applied to children and teenagers, took hold. By the time a child rounds the corner into high school and certainly before he sets up an account with the Common App, the conventional wisdom is that he needs to have a passion that is deep, easy to articulate, well documented and makes him stand out from the crowd.This passion, which he will either stumble upon or be led to by the caring adults in his life, must be pursued at the highest level his time and talent, and his parent’s finances, will allow. It is understood that this will offer him fulfillment and afford him and his family bragging rights that a mere dabbler would never earn. This is madness.
My Seat at the Table
- My heart had to pause and let this truth sink into my heart. My place, my location, my circumstances, this is my special seat. This seat is equal to that of my husband’s, my neighbor’s, my friend’s. This seat provides me with an equal chance to perceive the beauty of God as anyone else’s. My seat is the special seat.
We Stopped Giving our Kids Birthday Presents
- One day I announced that this year Dad and I would not be giving them presents, but instead they could have a Birthday Experience of their choice. Everyone froze. Then came the exclamations of “what!!!!???” and scowls with furrowed brows. I quickly moved on to explain the Birthday Experience as their choice of celebration or activity that our immediately family would happily do together. I waited a moment to let the idea take root and bloom into praise of my genius idea, but the tight lips and narrow eyes remained. So I further stated that they still would get presents from extended family. Only then did their bodies relax with a relieved sigh.
5 Ways You are Ruining Your Child’s Life
Arlene Pellicane reminds us that even when kids think we’re mean or unfair, that’s not the whole story.
- Have you ever wondered if you are doing a terrible job as a parent? We’ve probably all thought that at one time or another. Parenting is a tough job; often times more art than science. Yet the unpopular parenting decisions you make are most likely contributing to your child’s health, not their detriment.
Around the Warren
Like a Child
Glenn McCarty helps us see what faith like a child looks like for you and me.
- “You are a son of God,” I whisper. “He has called you his child, and wherever you go, his thoughts toward you are precious.”He pats my shoulder once, and I can feel him smile. “I know, Daddy,” he says matter-of-factly. “I know that.”
We pull away, and he beams at me. I believe him when he says he knows; in fact, he’s never really doubted it. Praise God for that! I pray that after all the spelling tests and math quizzes, recess games of wall ball and bedtime stories, after the lamp is switched off, he carries these words with him like a smooth stone in his pocket on which is written his true name, the one written in the eternal world, where the truth about him is shining and visible.But what about me?
I Spy
Helena Sorensen shares with us her favorite things about the I Spy series of books.
- I hope this post is superfluous. Surely everyone has discovered and enjoyed and scoured every page of every book in the I Spy series. (photographs by Walter Wick) Scholastic has been releasing new additions to the series for decades. But then, sometimes we miss things. Hence the value of Story Warren’s Handy Resource Wednesdays.Now I could just say that you’ll enjoy these books. (I’m talking to parents here. Really. You will enjoy them, too. You’ll find yourself asking your spouse to help you root out that last arrow or plastic pig or magnet. It might become an obsession.) But I would much prefer to roll out a list of my favorite things about I Spy.
Something to Do with Your Kids
Depending on your home’s climate, you may be surrounded by snow or by mud. Well, possibly you’re surrounded by gorgeous sunshine and comfortable temps, but for most of the northern hemisphere February is cabin fever season. So, here are some ideas for indoor activities to stave it off.
And Something to Watch
Have you seen the book trailer of N.D. Wilson’s new book, Outlaws of Time? It’s gorgeous, and the book looks exciting, too.
Thank you for reading. We’re on your side.
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 4 - February 1, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 3 - January 25, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 2 - January 18, 2025
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