We are turning the corner of March, going from lion to lamb. In my town, today’s weather was practically bi-polar, with lion-like thunderstorms and tornadoes interspersed with bright sunshine and singing birds. I was reminded of the Andrew Peterson lyric, “The world was good, the world is fallen, the world will be redeemed.”

Around the Web
When You Find Yourself in the Wilderness
Angie Smith challenges us to find joy in the wilderness.
- Have you ever found yourself in a situation that should be joy-filled, only to hear your mouth complaining?
Today, we jump into the biblical story at just this moment with the Israelites. They were finally walking in the direction of the land that would ultimately be theirs! They’d been rescued. Their God had just opened up the sea to save them from being killed. And he’d put these incredible cloud-and-fire navi-thingies in the sky, showing them which way to go.
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Preschool Letter W Book List
If your preschooler needs some help learning the letter W, here are some books to explore it.
- The end of the alphabet is fast approaching! We can learn the letter W together, with some great books! I scoured the internet to find the perfect ones for your preschooler!
We found some books that start with the Letter W, and some other letter W books!
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I Didn’t Sign Up for This!
Ellen Dykas has a word for the hard days.
- Have you ever exclaimed, “I didn’t sign up for this!”? Most of us have likely heard or read it somewhere, perhaps spoken it in jest or real pain, seething anger or confused disappointment. This______ (fill in the blank) is not what you hoped for, anticipated, or expected. You prayed, asked for God’s help, waited, moved forward…
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This Interactive Bird Map Lets You Listen To The Unique Songs of Different Birds
My cats went nuts for this map, and I bet your kids will, too.
- Spring is in the air, and the birds are singing! My kids are constantly asking what kind of bird is singing each and every tune, and now I have an (easier) way to find out.
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Around the Warren
JBI Starship Juniper – The Family Show
Michael Tinker introduces his new family show project.
- We so often talk about ‘going to heaven’ but the stand out picture for me in the Bible is that heaven comes to earth… or more specifically the new heaven comes to the new earth. And that gets me so excited! It’s embodied, it’s vibrant, it’s free from suffering and packed full of life! I can’t wait to get there and explore, to hug friends, to meet saints from the past and to enjoy God’s world as he always intended. And, of course, we get to party.
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The Equality of the Fallen
Justin Patton challenges us to think about judgment with a new perspective.
- My friend Jason recently shared a great excerpt from Kierkegaard’s “Practice in Christianity,” in which S.K. identifies an important truth. Though the means through which we are drawn to God are many, Kierkegaard says they converge at the consciousness (i.e. awareness) of sin. Don’t let the word “sin” scare you off. Feel free to exchange it with “wrongness” or “evil” (people have all sorts of things they think of as wrong or evil).
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Something to Do with Your Kids
If you missed making something green for St. Patrick’s Day, there’s still time. Here’s a Grasshopper Pie that the whole family can help make—sounds like a good dessert this weekend.
Something to Watch
My friend who posted this just captioned it, “You’re welcome.” I repeat his words to you.

- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 5 - February 15, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 4 - February 1, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 3 - January 25, 2025
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