My favorite hashtag this time of year is #autumnisadrugforme. My brain tells me I stole it from N.D. Wilson’s Notes from the Tilt-a-Whirl, but I can’t for the life of me find it again. But anyway, the hashtag expresses just right the delirious delight that this time of year brings to me.

Around the Web
A Glimpse of Glory
Sally Lloyd-Jones gets it.
- The trees around me are starting to show their true colours. I love this truth. That what we see as they change colour is not so much a death but a glimpse of glory. For a few days every year, it’s as if the veil is lifted, and we truly see them.
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6 New Graphic Novels for Readers Ages 6 – 12 (2019)
So many of our young readers are growing older, and in doing so need new material to consume. We’ve got a few places we look for book lists that we share here, but Story Warren has not vetted every book on these lists. We hope they give you some ideas to consider for your family.
- Do your readers like graphic novels? Remember to include graphic novels in regular reading rotation.
The visual format requires readers to make more inferences than in other formats which is just one of the reasons graphic novels are beneficial to a reading diet.
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Imagination in Creation
Rachael Alexander reminds us that we are subcreators.
- We are earthly creators for the heavenly realm. We are inventors and innovators in this world for the world beyond.
Imagine, if you will, what it was like when you were young and had that visionary sparkle in your eye. Maybe you spent your time with your eyes towards the sky and imagined the stars falling, befriending you, and running amongst the dark green fields coming to play. Maybe you imagined dragons and hairless wart hogs to ride on into the morning sun to fight your enemies.
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The Habit Podcast, Episode 22: Maryrose Wood
Has your family read The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place? My nieces and nephews are huge fans. Jonathan Rogers The Habit podcast is always a great listen and this week he interviewed Maryrose Wood.
- The Habit Podcast is a series of conversations with writers about writing, hosted by Jonathan Rogers. In today’s episode, Jonathan Rogers interviews Maryrose Wood, author of The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place series. In today’s episode, Jonathan and Maryrose discuss the way that stage acting has impacted Maryrose’s writing, the implications of improv for overcoming writer’s block, and how to get comfortable with

Around the Warren
Doing Nothing
Kelly Keller reminds us of the value in doing nothing.
- Recently, we’ve been reunited with our old friend Pooh.
We had these CDs from the time my oldest boys were little, but they were so loved that they were scratched out of use a few years back. Now we have the audio again (this time from Audible). It’s been so much fun to see our older three recognize the old friends, and see the younger ones enjoy them for the first time.
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Washington Irving’s Not-So-Scary Stories
Christine Norvell recommends the short stories of Washington Irving.
- As a boy, Washington Irving describes how he rambled about the countryside and “made myself familiar with all its places famous in history or fable. I knew every spot where a murder or robbery has been committed or a ghost seen. I visited the neighboring villages, and added greatly to my stock of knowledge.” His later travels abroad, those west of the Mississippi, and his literary ambassadorships lent much to his accumulation of folklore and story skill. Irving loved to hear a good story, and it is everything to his way with words.
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Something to Do with Your Kids
One of my college friends who grew up in southern California had a ball her first autumn in Philadelphia. She was overwhelmed by the color and variety of the leaves and we all got to teach her all of our favorite fall activities–most of which we’d all started doing as kids. There really aren’t enough autumn activities out there, people, so here’s another set.
Something to Watch
I was at the Rabbit Room’s Hutchmoot conference the other week, and in the space of about an hour and a half one afternoon, a group of about 30 people wrote a song. They sang it for us that night and I’ve had it in my head since, so I thought I’d share with you.

Thanks for reading. We’re on your side.
-The Story Warren Team
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 4 - February 1, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 3 - January 25, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 2 - January 18, 2025
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