We’re inching closer to Easter, and spring is growing busier. How easy it is to get caught up in the busy rather than resting in the fact that we’re about celebrate the day that brought hope to the whole world. I’m reminding myself here–look to the hope.
Around the Web
Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing: Arrow Prayers
Sally Lloyd-Jones shares a bit from her book Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing.
- Do you think that maybe your prayers aren’t long enough? Or don’t use enough special words?
In the Bible there are lots of little prayers– so little they couldn’t be any littler. “Help, Lord!”, “Lord, save me!” They’re arrow prayers, quickly shot up to God.
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Homer, Baseball, and Leisure
Jonathan Gray shares about what Baseball has in common with a classical education.
- arch 20 marked the vernal equinox: the last day of winter and first day of spring. Late in the week, while talking with my mother on the phone, she told me that the sandhill cranes are migrating over my hometown in northeast Illinois, flying back from a winter spent in warmer climes. Growing up, these flocks foretold the imminent arrival of the spring thaw, the end of the bone-numbing, lake-effect cold. March 21 marks the beginning of a new season as well. As the sandhill cranes fly north to return from their winter homes, so do America’s baseball teams, fresh off the earliest spring training in baseball history.
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Poetry Writing for Kids: 14 Creative Ideas
Need some inspiration on introducing your kids to poetry? Here you go!
- Is writing poetry difficult? Where do you start? How do you come up with a poem idea? Writing poetry doesn’t have to be painful, especially for kids whose creative spirits love to be unleashed! Nevertheless, poetry prompts are a boon for those writers staring at a blank page and wondering where to begin. These poem ideas that focus on poetry forms and topics are good writing prompts for kids (and adults!) who need a creative jump start.
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Scottish Folklore: Legends, Creatures, and Myths
Erica, at What Do We Do All Day, introduces us to the world of Scottish folklore with a recommendation of picture books.
- Let’s take a trip to the Scottish highlands, shall we? Or perhaps the lowlands are more your style. Whether you have Scots blood in you or no, these picture books based on Scottish folklore will have you picnicking by the loch with a hearty haggis and shortbread lunch. No? Ok, fine. But I still think you will love these folktales and fairy tales from Scotland
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Around the Warren
Welcoming Spring
Anne Marshall welcomes the turn of the season.
- Spring is one of my favorite seasons (though I enjoy them all in their turn). I love the way the bare brown earth seems to magically come to life with wildflowers and lush green things everywhere. I adore the tiny, new leaves on the oaks, like a delicate green frost, as spring begins to awaken the earth.
In February the daffodils (planted nearly 100 years ago by my great-grandparents) and snowdrops always bloom first even if there is snow. When I was young and I loved wandering about my family’s acreage searching for the first blossoms of the year.
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Lizzie Ludovico shares a poem for the season.
- The world’s been dead for so long
Its air a stagnant gasp,
Time moves again as new life blooms
And people round us laugh.
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Something to Do with Your Kids
Need a list of 12 awesomely easy but incredibly ugly indoor activities for kids? Turns out, you do, but who knew?
Something to Watch
Ever wonder how many single-neighbor nations there are in the world? Wonder no more!
Thanks for reading. We’re on your side.
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 4 - February 1, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 3 - January 25, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 2 - January 18, 2025
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