The Warren & the World is Story Warren’s weekly newsletter, providing a round-up of our favorite things from around the web as well as a review of what was on our site over the past week. We’re glad you’re here!
Around the Web
Beauty in the Moment: Word
- For a children’s pastor, there is always one week (often this time in June) that you spend half the summer preparing for and the other half recuperating from: Vacation Bible School. I love VBS. I grew up attending VBS and still remember VBS songs from my childhood. I’ve been fortunate to work alongside some gifted individuals who have made VBS such a special week. But now that I work on church staff, every time it rolls around, I am just exhausted—before it even begins!
How You Can Help After The West Virginia Floods
- AMany of you probably know me as “that guy from West Virginia,” or, “that West Virginia author.” I’m good with that. I love this state so much. As most of you know, we were hit hard by flooding.
(If you aren’t aware, here’s a story about it. And my own family didn’t see flooding in our town. We are fine.)
Prayer is needed. This beautiful state is already up against so much.
If you are interested in helping on top of offering prayers, here is another way you can, even if you’re far away.
Summer Reading Lists For Kids Ages 6 – 14
Over at Imagination Soup, Melissa has a whole slew of summer reading lists, divided up by age group, genre, and more.
- Happy summer vacation 2016! What are the best books for your kids to be reading this summer? I think I can help answer that question. I’ve read a ton of books and am excited to bring you the best summer reading lists for kids at every grade level from elementary to middle school!!
Motherhood as a Mission Field
Rachel Jankovic examines the missional nature of motherhood.
- There is a good old saying, perhaps only said by my Grandfather, that distance adds intrigue. It is certainly true — just think back to anything that has ever been distant from you that is now near. Your driver’s license. Marriage. Children. Things that used to seem so fascinating, but as they draw near become less mystical and more, well, real.
This same principle certainly applies to mission fields too. The closer you get to home, the less intriguing the work of sacrifice seems. As someone once said, “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help Mom with the dishes.” When you are a mother at home with your children, the church is not clamoring for monthly ministry updates.
Around the Warren
If You Find Yourself in the Wrong Story
Guest Allen Howell shares about his new second-favorite book.
- I have a new second favorite children’s book.
As I’ve shared here at Story Warren, The Napping House by Audrey Wood is my absolute favorite. But there’s now another children’s book that is coming in a close second.
It’s a book by Mo Willems, an imaginative retelling of a classic tale. His version is called, Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs. Not three bears. Three dinosaurs. You like this book already, don’t you? …I could tell.
Summer Travel Adventures
Liz Cottrill recommends two YA books for boys and girls for summer adventures!
- Are you looking for a book for your young people to have along on vacation, or just to spend the lazy summer days enjoying, but discouraged by the YA offerings?
Here are a couple I’ve read recently, one for boys, one for girls, but of course both perfectly acceptable for either.
Something to Do with Your Kids
This coming weekend is American Independence Day. Some of our readers aren’t from the US, but we’ll invite you to join in the celebration anyway. Here are 12 fun Fourth of July activities for families!
And Something to Watch
Have you ever wondered who owns Antarctica? So did CGP Grey.
Thank you for reading. We’re on your side.
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 4 - February 1, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 3 - January 25, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 2 - January 18, 2025
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