I’ve got a memory tucked into my pocket from nearly a decade ago: it’s a fall afternoon, and I’m pulling the family car into the local apple farm for an afternoon of picking, two young boys in their car seats in the backseat, and a song about “bears, bears” who’ve “got no cares” jangling out of the speakers. We had recently discovered the music of Slugs & Bugs, which meant lots of toe-tapping and head-bopping along to catchy tunes, silly voices, and — most importantly — songs which point our family toward the great love of God. The music of Slugs & Bugs has been a part of our home for nearly as long as we’ve been a family, and what a gift it has been!
Now, even though both my boys are starting middle school this month for the first time, they’re still just as excited when a new Slugs & Bugs project lands in our lap, which happened earlier this year with Sing the Bible, Volume 4. It’s another collection of word-for-word Scripture songs from Nashville-based singer/songwriter Randall Goodgame. Like any good artist, Randy keeps on tinkering, experimenting with new and more delightful ways to share the love of God with young people and their families. In 2019, he debuted The Slugs & Bugs Show, which released its second season this spring. Part Mr. Rogers, part Sesame Street, the show featured puppets, music, special guests, and most of all, a fun space for children and families to consider themes of the Christian life.
For those of us longtime fans, Sing the Bible, Volume 4 is a mix of everything that’s winsome and joyful about Randy’s music. It’s full of the same catchy melodies, fun diversions, and most of all, word-for-word Scripture songs that have characterized all of the Slugs & Bugs canon. Bible verses like Micah 6:8 – “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” – and Colossians 3:17 – “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” are set to memorable melodies, which is a true gift for memorization and meditation. There’s also a song dedicated to the Fruit of the Spirit. In addition, the album features musical appearances by Rain for Roots and Lakeisha Williams, and from the newest members of the Slugs & Bugs family, Doug the Slug and Sparky the Lightning Bug, in addition to a well-intentioned, but slightly “cold and mathematical” robot named Robort.
All in all, Sing the Bible, Volume 4 represents the best of Slugs & Bugs, and it’s my pleasure to remind/introduce/nudge you and your family toward this album. Wherever you get your music, it’s the perfect album for your family to gather around in their pursuit of meditating on the good, truthful, and beautiful.
- Me and McCloskey - September 23, 2024
- The Winter King: A Review - January 10, 2024
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