She took her place behind the podium, glanced down at the sheet of neatly typed notes, then lifted bright eyes to scan a sea of eager faces. Her gracious smile hinted at a tender heart. She began to speak. Although a generation younger than much of the audience, her words were girded with wisdom and confidence. Vibrant vision grown from the rich soil of experience. She spoke of serving others through beauty and truth – of living a winsome life. Her message was seasoned with titles like The Little Princess, Babette’s Feast, and a number of other works that explore and inspire goodness and imagination. That blustery January day, Sarah Clarkson planted seeds of inspiration in the hearts of a multitude of parents. I was fortunate enough to be one of them.
A decade later, the seeds that were sown have sprouted and flourished. Sarah’s wisdom and knowledge have continued to influence my thinking, writing, and the selection of books we read .When speaking with parents about choosing great literature for their families, I inevitably reference and recommend Sarah’s book Read for the Heart. I’m deeply grateful for her life and vision, and I’m thrilled to share some news with you about what she’s been working on – all with you in mind.
This week marks the official launch of Sarah’s new website: Go ahead and share with parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, teachers, neighbors, and anyone else who has children in their life. You’ll find a library of suggested titles, a blog brimming with inspiration and conversation, and for ease of ordering, a bookstore featuring Sarah’s books. Storyformed is designed to be a gift, stocked richly with inspiration, practical resources, and research. It’s easy to navigate and life-giving to read.
I’m particularly excited to announce the launch of Sarah’s new book: Caught Up in a Story: Fostering a Transformed Life of Great Books and Imagination with Your Children. At its heart, the book illuminates the many ways in which stories craft souls. What our children read plays a significant role in shaping their view of the world – and of their own identity. Caught Up in a Story explores the ways books influence a child’s character, imagination, and the lens through which they view themselves. Although you’ll benefit from the many authors and suggested titles woven throughout, the book is far more than a helpful resource. It’s a framework for shepherding our children’s hearts.
Please join the Story Warren family in celebrating Sarah and this new chapter of her adventure. Be sure to drop by and visit this week – much revelry and festivity (including giveaways and featured favorite authors) await. You can order your own copy of Caught Up in a Story (here). Then buy a few to give away as gifts. Spread seeds of your own. Then watch them grow.
Imagination is the first step to creation, the instigating spark that drives the actions of a hero. – Sarah Clarkson
- A Few of My Favorite Things - February 1, 2021
- The World Needs the Class of 2020 - June 22, 2020
- Books for Boys – A Show and Tell - February 5, 2020
Helena Sorensen says
“…much revelry and festivity await.” Yes. I hear the Took in you coming out through those words. Excited about the new site and the new book!
Julie Silander says
The Took, indeed. Thanks for your encouragement and excitement! It’s fun to be “in adventure” with you!