Every Friday we recap a little from the Warren and venture out into the world for more stories you might have missed.
It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.
– Walt Disney
Dude, you should totally read this: Tim Challies takes on work/life balance:
When we look at the issue of long working hours, we can take too narrow a view of it, assuming that it is uniquely twenty-first century and first-world. However, if you look back through history you will find that it has always been the case that fathers have had to work long hours outside of the home. A man who farmed would have to give just about every waking hour, every daylight hour, to his crops and his animals.
I don’t have this one figured out, and neither does Tim, but he has some really helpful thoughts.
Amy Henry explains that you can’t reason sin out of your kids.
It’s easy as a parent to recite, “All we like sheep have gone astray,” but forget on a practical level that our little sheep aren’t born as blank slates for us to scribble our directives or desires on.
We love fiction around here, but here’s an article that explains the value for men in particular.
Whatever the reason, cognitive studies are beginning to show that men might be short-shrifting themselves by avoiding the fiction section in the bookstore and library. Today we make the case for why you need to put down those business books every once in awhile and pick up a copy of Hemingway. (ht: Loren Eaton)
A great Macaroni and Cheese story from Rebecca Reynolds. If you have a mac and cheese eater in your family, this is a fun story to share.
Inside the Warren:
James opened up the week talking about the value of grief for your kids. I needed this. • Alyssa talked about sowing mercy in your children’s lives. • Sam shared a song. It was rad. • David wrote about incarnational parenting.
Explore the great outdoors. Better yet, send your kids:
Homemade oobleck via Money Saving Mom. I remember doing this when I was little. It was awesome.
This video is so… so… Story Warren:
Gulp. The world’s largest stop-motion animation shot on a Nokia N8. from Nokia HD on Vimeo.
As they say in Scotland, a dimple on the chin, the devil within.
We’re on your side,
- Tumbleweed Thompson Comes Home - October 15, 2024
- Mice that speak and the language of imagination - July 26, 2017
- The Warren & the World Vol 4, Issue 40 - October 8, 2016
Thanks for the link, Andrew!
Eh back.
Aunt D
Just wondering why my screen always freezes when I first come to the Story Warren site?