It’s been a quiet week around these parts. My cats have taken extra-long naps each day and I look at them in envy while I work. Right now they’re staring at me, trying to convince me it’s time for their treat–when that time is still an hour away. But it’s still quiet…
And, not any more. One of them just jumped on the counter top and then jumped down as I stood to yell at him. He still got the yelling though. No moment is ever as idyllic as you think it is.

Around the Web
40+ Free Virtual Vacations Your Kids Will Love
If you’re like many of my friends (and me!) your summer vacation plans have had to shift this year. Feeling stuck at home? Here are some virtual vacations to consider.
- Parents, we get it. You are probably hearing a lot of “I’m Bored!”.
With the current state of things, lots of extracuricular activities and vacations have been canceled. Heck, even the holiday celebrations have been cancelled around here.
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American Lives: a Picture Book Roundup
Janie at Redeemed Reader has some recommendations for us.
- For Spacious Skies, Most Wanted, and Thomas Paine and the Dangerous Word feature the promise of the American experiment.
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We Disagree, Therefore I Need You
Scott Sauls reminds us that a gentle answer turns away wrath in this excerpt from his book.
- In today’s fractured times, I think that the people of Jesus have a unique opportunity to offer something different to the world and to each other.
What if, instead of participating in all the us-against-them talk and cancel culture, we returned to a path and posture that mirrored the One we love and follow, the One who described Himself as “gentle and humble in heart?”
What if, in a world that’s turning in on itself with outrage, we gave a gift to the world and each other, the gift of “a gentle answer, (which) turns away wrath?” (Proverbs 15:1).
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Welcome to CAMP SCBWI, Your Digital Summer Camp
The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators has a treat for kids everywhere this summer.
- “This is for kids who are at home over the summer and for their parents and caregivers who may be looking for–oh, let’s say just a little relief.” -Lin Oliver, SCWBI Executive Director, Author.
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Around the Warren
God’s Imagination
Kathleen Long Bostrom delights in God’s imagination with us.
- God has such a terrific imagination. Creation is proof of that!
And so am I. I never imagined the directions my life would go, but God did.
I never imagined I’d become an ordained minister. I didn’t grow up in church. And I’m an introvert with a capital “I.”
Mom and Dad couldn’t agree on a denomination in which to raise their children so decided to skip church altogether. My first remembered experience with a religious institution came in third grade when a friend invited me to attend her Sunday school class. The teacher offered a free pen to visitors who raised their hand. I was too shy, so left without the pen and never went back.
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What God’s Family Looks Like: A Review of God’s Very Good Idea
Trillia Newbell’s book is a delight, and Carolyn Leiloglou recommends it and others as we begin to build up a library of books that expand our views of race and diversity.
- Maybe race is something our family has always talked about, however imperfectly, because of who we are. We may be your average white American family, but our extended family is made up of immigrants and the children of immigrants; some of its members are different races and ethnicities. And it’s absolutely beautiful.
But even in a multi-ethnic family, race is something that has to be discussed. We’ve always told our kids that God made all people in his image. He loves them all and calls us to do the same. But understanding an abstract concept is always easier if you can make it concrete. That’s what a good picture book can do.
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Something to Do with Your Kids
Need some inspiration for that sidewalk chalk and the big stretch of space on the driveway? Create illustrations for your family to join into, like these!
Something to Watch
The dudes from Dude Perfect have a competition to see whose glider can go furthest on a throw from a giant tower. Sounds like fun!

Thanks for reading. We’re on your side.
-The Story Warren Team
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 5 - February 15, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 4 - February 1, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 3 - January 25, 2025
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