The Warren & the World is Story Warren’s weekly newsletter, providing a round-up of our favorite things from around the web as well as a review of what was on our site over the past week. We’re glad you’re here!
Around the Web
Your kids bored at school? Tell them to get over it
Laura Hanby Hudgens writes at the Miami Herald about the challenges facing educators today trying to reach a generation of apathetic learners. She has good insights on our educational systems and how parents can teach self-motivation.
- Teachers are expected to combat apathy by continually finding new and innovative ways to reach students – through multimedia lessons, group work, games, alternative assessments or whatever it takes. To ensure student engagement and skill acquisition, we must teach to the individual learning styles, interests and abilities of each of our students. If a student can’t learn the way we teach, we must teach the way he learns – times infinity.
Wills. (The kind that scream at you.)
- It’s fairly obvious when you look at this picture of Crosby that there’s sure to be a strong-will in that little body (and let’s be honest–an incredible sense of humor). One that has strong opinions on fire men, winter boots, clothing, protective eye-wear, and just about everything in between–opinions that so often clash with mine, common sense, public decency, necessary social norms, and just general, “I’m not going to unleash a crazy person into the world,” parenting.
‘The Poky Little Puppy’ And His Fellow Little Golden Books Are Turning 75
- In the 1950s and ’60s, if there were any children’s books in a house, at least one of them was likely to be a Little Golden Book. With their golden spines and brightly colored pictures, they begged to be grabbed off a shelf by a curious child — which is exactly what their creators intended. Those beloved books celebrate their 75th birthday this year.
To my husband about those two small hours he spends with the kids each day
Kate Skero writes a letter to her husband.
- Dear Husband,
You work hard away from home, and I work hard right here at home. You provide for them and I nurture them. You protect; I nourish. We share them and we shape them. Your gifts, my gifts blend together to grow our gifts. No one in the world was designed to raise these little lives quite like we are. We love them. And we love them by loving each other.
And yet some days I forget all of this.
Around the Warren
On Motherhood as a Craft: Cultivating Wonder
Jessica Deagle reminds us that creativity is not just for the Pinterest boards.
- Most of us know her – our creative friend. She is the one who takes beautiful pictures, writes poetry, sews her own curtains and her children’s clothes (or sews their clothes out of the curtains!). She is the creative type, we tell ourselves, and look around at our own drapes bought at Target, and we sigh and wish we could be more like her. Crafty. Inspired. Creative.
What Do You Do With An Idea?
Helena Sorensen recommends Kobi Yamada and Mae Besom’s book, What Do You Do With An Idea?
- I read about Kobi Yamada and Mae Besom’s What Do You Do With An Idea? on one of those lists that all of us parents bump into somewhere or other on the internet. I checked it out from the library while we were on vacation and read it to the kids. They were delighted with the book and asked me to read it again. It could have been Mae Besom’s illustrations that caught them.
Something to Do with Your Kids
March is national peanut butter month, did you know? So, in honor of it, there’s a recipe for peanut butter playdough on this page–and in case peanut butter doesn’t work for your household, there’s about a whole slew of other playdough options, too.
And Something to Watch
This beautiful little film about a childhood of books opens the imagination.
Thank you for reading. We’re on your side.
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 2 - January 18, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 1 - January 11, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 12, Issue 45 - December 21, 2024
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