The Warren & the World is Story Warren’s weekly newsletter, providing a round-up of our favorite things from around the web as well as a review of what was on our site over the past week. We’re glad you’re here!
Around the Web
How Getting Rid of Stuff Saved My Motherhood
At Motherly, Allie Casazza writes about the freedom of clearing up her life.
- I was struggling. I thought I was the only mom in the world who couldn’t get it together, who wasn’t really enjoying motherhood. I felt terrible. I sat on my couch with a giant pile of laundry next to me. Another day had come and gone and I had barely been able to keep up. The days were flying by me, my kids were all four years old and under, but I felt like I had missed what childhood they’d had so far. I was always cleaning up.
This Awesome Periodic Table Tells You How To Use Elements
- Thanks to high school, we’ve all got a pretty good idea about what’s on the periodic table.
But whether you’re looking at something common like calcium, iron, and carbon, or something more obscure like krypton and antimony, how well do you know their functions? Could you name just one practical application for vanadium or ruthenium?
Joyful Suffering
- But, when God asks us to do something, he provides everything we need. (Genesis 22:14, Philippians 4:19) In his timing, the Lord not only changed my heart to want to be at home with the kids, he equipped me with knowledge and confidence that He is with me. All the while, a kind and handsome man from church was pursuing me for marriage. Trey was homeschooled growing up and he not only supported, but pushed me towards my dream. After we got married, Trey and I prayed about when I should quit my job to start our new adventure. A few months later, our decision was made when we found out we were pregnant.
Our first day of school was planned for August 4th, 2016. This would give me plenty of time to establish our schedule and plan lessons for when the baby was due about 8 weeks later. However, on our first day of school, in the exact moment that Maggie, Jett, and I were headed upstairs to begin… my water broke.
The Subtle Extravagance of Nature
Drew Bailey writes at the Foundling House of the revelation of God’s good world.
- I was woefully unprepared to become a father. The youngest of four boys, nurturing didn’t come natural to me. My daughter’s entrance into the world five years ago was dramatic and powerfully enduring. She was a fussy baby. My wife and I were always jealous of parents who could leave their child in the car seat for hours on end. Our nightly routine included three hours of bouncing and singing in a tireless rotation until the crescendo of crying finally dropped off and we all fell in the bed exhausted. Everyday we’d try new methods of soothing our little one, but nothing seemed to work consistently. As I became less embarrassed about my lack of parenting skills and my daughter’s screaming, I began to strap her in the baby carrier and stroll to a park in the neighborhood, baby sirens blaring. It was then that I noticed a pattern. Almost always, soon after we stepped outside, the crying would stop.
Around the Warren
Finding Truth in the Story: Old-Beggar Woman
Tyrel Bramwell reminds us that by the light of truth we see everything else.
- C.S. Lewis once said, “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the Sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”
What a profound statement. The Word of God gives light to everything the Christian sees. Consider how this is true of the stories that fill our imaginations. How do we take them into our hearts? Through eyes that see and ears that hear, right?
Book Review: Brambly Hedge
Sarah Clarkson shares one of her favorite series.
- When I think back to the favorite books of my childhood, books whose tang of atmosphere and illustration are still keen in my mind, one of the first I remember is the series of English country tales known as the Brambly Hedge books. These picture books were so intricately illustrated and vividly told that I remember them as if they were a place I visited, some small corner of earth that I explored. The author of these fine tales, Jill Barklem, spent years researching the customs, handcrafts, and traditional celebrations of the rural English countryside before she set to illustrating them in her own stories for children. Such was her success that when I read her books as an adult, I feel that I have returned to a place that brought me comfort, creativity, and hours of joy.
Something to Do with Your Kids
Here’s an activity for you to try: use bell peppers to paint a shirt! Great preparation for Saint Patrick’s day, if you choose green paint.
And Something to Watch
There’s an African king living in Canada. He’s a gardener.
Thank you for reading. We’re on your side.
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 4 - February 1, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 3 - January 25, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 2 - January 18, 2025
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