The Warren & the World is Story Warren’s weekly newsletter, providing a round-up of our favorite things from around the web as well as a review of what was on our site over the past week. We’re glad you’re here!
Around the Web
What I’ve Learned from Turning 40
- Sometimes life sneaks up on you, and then you’re left wondering, How did I get here? I thought I was supposed to be better at everything by now! So for everyone that needs a reality check, I’m sharing a bit of what I’ve learned from turning 40.
Every Conversation Between A Parent And A Child In Four Conversations
- Child: Can I have this?
Me: No.
Child: Ah, perhaps I’ve miscommunicated. I’m asking for it because I want it.
Me: I understood that, actually.
Child: I think maybe you’re not hearing me. I’d like it because I want it.
Me: I’ve heard you quite well, I’m saying that’s not actually an argument.
Trying To Be Brave Is Being Brave: A Farewell Sermon
Over at the Rabbit Room, Russ Ramsey shares his final sermon at his church. His words were a challenge and encouragement to anyone facing change, and to all of us who find ourselves living contradictions.
- This man who threw himself out of that boat—out of the life he knew—into the water so he could swim, fully clothed, to shore and collapse at the feet of his best friend, whom he had betrayed was a living contradiction. He was a paradox of faith and confusion, courage and fear, humility and arrogance.I am like him. So are you. We are all like this.
The Truth about Moms and Schedules
- She’s the boss lady who owns her own scripture shop, homeschools her kids, and is writing a book.She’s the executive at the office who serves as chair to multiple non-profit organizations, and she’s always at her sons’ (many) baseball games.
She’s the mom who goes to the gym, runs the trail, and plays tennis all before ten in the morning. She’s the one who takes food to the Food Pantry and makes her kids’ after-school activities her first priority.
We all know women like this in our society. While we cheer them on in their endeavors, we also feel a twinge of jealousy creep up inside of us.
Around the Warren
Hear, Smell, Feel – Together
James Witmer helps us remember that sharing truth and beauty with our children is worth the difficulty.
- If you’re anything like me, it’s not uncertainty about the importance of truth and beauty that brings you to blogs like Story Warren. It’s that artful parenting is hard, and lonely, and sometimes feels like merely adding to an already impossible list of parenting demands. If you’re like me, you need to be reminded that sharing truth and beauty is worth the cost.
“I have loved the stars…”
Paul Boekell visualizes Sarah Williams’ words.
Making the World More Beautiful (with Miss Rumphius)
Laura Peterson shared this review with us a while back, but Sam just got around to reading the book with his kids and thinks we all might need to be reminded of Miss Rumphius.
- Are you acquainted with the Lupine Lady? She lives in a small house overlooking the sea, and goes by the more proper name of Miss Alice Rumphius. I’ve known her since I was a child, and I love introducing her to new friends. The Lupine Lady is the central character in the picture book Miss Rumphius, by Barbara Cooney, and it’s one of my favorite stories. As a little girl helping in her grandfather’s shop, Alice hears his stories of faraway places and adventures. Young Alice vows to also visit faraway places and have adventures, and then to come home and live by the sea. “That is all very well, little Alice,” says the grandfather,” but there is a third thing you must do. You must do something to make the world more beautiful.”
Tumbleweed Thompson and the Sharpshooter
Glenn McCarty and Joe Sutphin are back with more adventures of Tumbleweed Thompson–both this week and next!
- “You’re aimin’ too high. Gonna blast a hole clean through my window. And I like that window. Lower your arm a touch.”
“High? Are you sure?”
“Sure I’m sure.”
I turned to where Wendell Jenkins, graying barber of Rattlesnake Junction, sat dispensing wisdom from a slat-backed rocking chair on his front porch, eyes half-shut as his mouth opened in a yawn.
“You’re not even looking at me. How can you tell?”
Something to Do with Your Kids
Coloring complex patterns is all the rage these days, so maybe you and your kids want to try out creating your own zentangle doodles. Perhaps a spider web, to celebrate October?
And Something to Watch
Ever wondered what it takes for a group of students to see the Grand Canyon from space? Here’s their project.
Thank you for reading. We’re on your side.
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 4 - February 1, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 3 - January 25, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 2 - January 18, 2025
Oh, my word. The Grand Canyon video was so cool.