My Dad likes to go and look for orchids and rare flowers in the mountains around our home and the other day as I looked over some of the pictures I had taken while I was with him last, I realized what a truly magnificent God we serve! The picture I was looking at was one of a Monkey-Faced orchid, which I hadn’t even noticed anything unique about till my dad pointed it out. I thought it was just a white flower, but if you look at it closely you’ll see that it actually looks like a monkey! It has arms, legs, a little head, and even a tail, it’s the cutest thing ever!
But it got me to thinking how many other amazing things are around me everyday that I don’t even notice? How many wonders do I over look every single day? What could I be missing? So I started to look, and boy was I missing a lot! The way a sunset looks in a cloud filled sky. The sounds of a summer night and how it’s not just annoying background noise but actually blends to form a song of praise to our Creator! How a light snow fall covers the trees and makes everything look like an enchanted forest. Oh, and so many other things I had just over looked over the years!
I think the reason I missed all of them was because I wasn’t looking and I wasn’t paying attention. But once I started to look and paid attention to what I was looking at, what I saw was breath taking! Our God is the best and greatest artist of all time and he paints a new masterpiece for us everyday! But if we don’t take the time to enjoy it then we miss it. That day cannot be relived, we can never get it back. So what exactly am I saying?
Well, I’m saying we should take time to enjoy the wonders God has placed before us! I encourage you to take a little time each day to just look around and find beauty in the world around you. I know that for some of us, right now in the dead of winter, it’s hard to see anything beautiful in the leafless trees and bare ground, but it’s there. Maybe it’s the bright sunrise or the bold sunset, or the way the fog seems to hang in the trees. Possibly it’s the way the first creates little patterns on the windows or maybe it’s a dandelion blooming when no other flower dares to show it’s danty little face.
Each day has new wonders but we only get to see them once! Sure the flowers bloom every spring and summer, but not these flowers! Sure the leaves change every fall, but not like this year! Sure winter comes every year, but not like this year! The sun rises and sets everyday, yet everyday it is different! So enjoy what the Lord has provided for you today. Look for the intricate details and the tender touch of our Creator in the world around you and marvel at his handy work! For,
“This was the LORD’s doing; It is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.”
Psalm 118:23-24
- Looking for Everyday Wonders - January 27, 2020
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