Exciting news, friends! Our own Randall Goodgame’s new record for kids, Sing the Bible with Slugs & Bugs, is ready to pre-order. We’ve had it here for a few days and our entire family has been LOVING it. We have laughed, danced, meditated, and had an all-around great time. My wife, Gina, has been near tears (happy ones), grateful for what a beautiful gift this is to our kids –and entire family. It’s very special.
And if you’re a Story Warren aficionado, you may find it neat to learn that Zach Franzen did the artwork for the album and Sally Lloyd-Jones is featured (hilariously, in one instance) on the record, along with lots of other great human beans. In case you’re wondering, I was not asked to appear, this despite critical acclaim for my prowess on ukelele. But Randy hasn’t yet heard my ukelele skills, and he may not be keeping up with the top blogs, so that probably explains the oversight.
Our friends at The Rabbit Room have a preview of one song, Two Shirts, and you can pre-order the record there now and have it in plenty of time for Christmas.
I cannot recommend this highly enough.
- Make Believe Makes Believers - July 19, 2021
- The Archer’s Cup is Here - September 30, 2020
- It Is What It Is, But It Is Not What It Shall Be - March 30, 2020
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