EXCITING NEWS! Inkwell, Story Warren’s Family Conference, is Set for June. Registration Opens Monday. (Spaces Limited.) March 28, 2014 by S. D. Smith 12 Comments Author Recent Posts S. D. SmithS. D. Smith is the award-losing author of The Green Ember Series. Sam loves chocolate chip cookies, soccer, and knights who kill dragons. Latest posts by S. D. Smith (see all) Make Believe Makes Believers - July 19, 2021 The Archer’s Cup is Here - September 30, 2020 It Is What It Is, But It Is Not What It Shall Be - March 30, 2020
S.D. Smith says March 29, 2014 at 12:53 pm Awesome job on the poster, Paul Boekell and the logo, Zach Franzen! Reply
Glenn McCarty says March 29, 2014 at 3:43 pm No, seriously. Sounds incredible. What a great event! I pray it will bless many, many families. Reply
Loren Warnemuende says March 29, 2014 at 6:17 pm Today I’m nervous that we won’t be able to determine if we can make it before it sells out. Because you know it will! Reply
Amy L says March 29, 2014 at 7:47 pm 🙁 That’s not enough advance notice! We’re already traveling elsewhere that day. (And, technically, that is still before the end of the school year here in MD). Bummer. I guess we’ll plan to be there in 2015. Reply
Awesome job on the poster, Paul Boekell and the logo, Zach Franzen!
Charlotte? Why, cruel world? Why?
Just do it, Glenn!
No, seriously. Sounds incredible. What a great event! I pray it will bless many, many families.
Today I’m nervous that we won’t be able to determine if we can make it before it sells out. Because you know it will!
Easy. You CAN make it. 🙂
🙁 That’s not enough advance notice! We’re already traveling elsewhere that day. (And, technically, that is still before the end of the school year here in MD). Bummer. I guess we’ll plan to be there in 2015.
Bummer! I’m so sorry.