Great quote….thanks for sharing! As a mom with young ones, we can feel as if we are never moving forward, only on “repeat.” Those hard days are pearls on a string. Small, beautiful pearls birthed from heartache, pain, and loneliness. Pearls we can lay at Jesus’ feet as an offering.
Sofia says
Did this quote come from a longer article that Rebecca Reynolds has published on Story Warren? If so, could you share the title?
S.D. Smith says
Helena Sorensen says
Ugh. I just read the post and now I’m a flippin’ mess. And on a day when I actually put on mascara. Dadgummit, Paul! Dadgummit, Rebecca!
Sarah Frazer says
Great quote….thanks for sharing! As a mom with young ones, we can feel as if we are never moving forward, only on “repeat.” Those hard days are pearls on a string. Small, beautiful pearls birthed from heartache, pain, and loneliness. Pearls we can lay at Jesus’ feet as an offering.
Helena Sorensen says
This made me cry. Needed desperately to hear it today.