It was unintentional that I found two articles about adoption that were worth sharing this week, but (in addition to their worth), they remind me of the beautiful picture that adoption is of our place in God’s family. May you remember you are chosen today.

Around the Web
Hurrah for the Seasons
Holly Mackle reminds us to celebrate the rhythms of the year.
- In college a friend told me she welcomes the seasons—even celebrates them. I’m sure I nodded to look cool, “I totally get that.” (Not likely.) I’m getting older now, with definitely more wrinkles and possibly more maturity, but finally I get it. Now I too celebrate the seasons.
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How to Love Radically Even in the Middle of Pain
Teresa Swanstrom Anderson shares a word of encouragement in the pain.
- Four of our children are adopted, and that comes with heartache. The thing is, people often like to put adoption in a pretty little box. We’ve heard stuff like “They must be so thankful to have you” and “It’s so great you saved them!” (ugh).
The reality is, although our story is beautiful, it’s also full of significant loss.
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Mandy at life.faithful shares their story of broken people learning to love each other.
- You may not know it, but back in the midst of the craziness of 2020 our family grew from 4 to 7. It’s not really something I talk about a lot, despite how it changed our lives. It may be a surprise if you only know me from my writing here, but I’m a very private person. I’m not good at small talk, but I’m not one for dumping out my entire life story, either (On that note, I once took a train from Toledo to Kansas City and sat next to a girl who had told me most of her life story before we even pulled out of the station…). Part of my silence about our adoption is simply due to the fact that I tend to keep to myself.
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Black Bird, Blue Road by Sofiya Pasternack
Janie at Redeemed Reader introduces an upper middle grade novel.
- Black Bird, Blue Road is set in a neglected period of world history and explores the subject of death through a lens of Jewish mythology.
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Around the Warren
Through the Looking Glass of Early Reading
Elizabeth Russell explores the challenge of finding books for her son to read.
- “Have you read The Wizard of Oz?”
“Yes, Dad read it to me a long time ago.”
“What about Alice in Wonderland?”
“Yes, I listened on audio book.”
“Well… what about Through the Looking Glass?”
“What’s that?”
Finding a new book for my eight-year-old brother is both a joy and a struggle.
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Stories For A Lifetime
Millie Sweeney discusses books that we continue to love over life.
- I lead a book club, a small group of church friends who enjoy letting me challenge them with a variety of diverse and beautiful books. We have made it through a wide variety of stories, from Jason Reynald’s Long Way Down to Susanna Clarke’s Piranesi. It was over discussion of Virgil Wander (by the brilliant Leif Enger) that a wise friend made, as usual, a wise comment:
“There are some books you date, and others you have a relationship with. This is a relationship book.”
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Something to Do with Your Kids
Have you ever made DIY lanterns with your kids? These are cool ones!
Something to Watch
Ever wonder how hot sauce is made?

Thanks for reading. We’re on your side.
–The Story Warren Team
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 5 - February 15, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 4 - February 1, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 3 - January 25, 2025
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