The Warren & the World is Story Warren's weekly newsletter, providing a round-up of our favorite things from around the web as well as a review of what was on our site over the past week. We're glad you're here!

Around the Web
A Couple of Paris Reflections
- Over the weekend many of us watched with horror and heartbreak as reports of terrorism came from Paris. At least 120 people were killed in what appears to be a coordinated operation by the Islamic State (ISIS), a terror organization that has murdered thousands of innocent people over the last year, including many Christians.
ISIS is one of the clearest embodiments of persecution and evil that we in the West have seen in many years. Their very existence is a commitment to wiping out political and cultural opposition through violence. They prey relentlessly on the innocent, including children. There’s no question that ISIS is a menace that must be engaged through just war.
But is justice the only thing that Christians should pray for when it comes to ISIS?
Then, a reflection from Ann Voskamp:
- I’d wanted us to hold on to each other, and hold each other up and I want us to cup each other’s faces and carry each other’s stories and how does a glimpse of heaven happen in a security line and maybe that’s one of the securest thing there is in the world: Love Himself leaves His prints on all our faces and Love Himself won’t leave our stories in ruined places. …
We need more grinners and winkers and nodders and laughers and smilers to go walk the streets and the airports and the bus stops and the restaurants and the stadiums, we need more of us to go around all day looking into eyes of all the regular people and smile in awe at the face of God.
Then I stepped through security.
And the world blew up.
8 Ways Kids Can Give Thanks
- Teaching kids to be thankful doesn't involve guilt trips or lectures on the less fortunate, and the benefits will last longer than the turkey sandwiches. Grateful children may grow into happier adults, according to Christine Carter, Ph.D., author of Raising Happiness and director of the Greater Good Parents program at the University of California at Berkeley. "Pioneering social scientists think that 40 percent of our happiness comes from intentional, chosen activities throughout the day. Thankfulness is not a fixed trait.
Protect Your Family With Circle
- The Internet has become an indispensable resource for the home and family, but every parent has grappled with properly managing and overseeing that resource. We all know the dangers that lurk out there, yet still believe in the value of maintaining access and the necessity of training our children to use it wisely. As the Internet matures, we are gaining some great new tools to help us. Circle is an interesting new device and app that allows parents to manage all of their home’s connected devices.

Around the Warren
Feasting: An Act of War
This great post from Kelly Keller reminds us that even celebration is a line in the sand.
- I read a quote once about the The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe where the author stated that some feasts in Narnia are seen as “acts of war.” Eating and drinking is not normally viewed as a combative act, so the thought piqued my curiosity.
The animals’ Christmas feast (above) is an act of war to the White Witch, because it tells the truth about her authority. The witch views it as an act of treason; she is threatened by the celebration. The thaw is underway, Father Christmas is in the wood, and the witch’s reign is drawing to a close.
The animals’ feast bellows out hope, joy, and the truth that Aslan is on the move.
"The world needs magic… now more than ever"
Words from Lisa Jensen, beautification by Paul Boekell.
A LIttle Child Will Lead Them
Sam introduces us to advent songs from Rain for Roots! Just in time, I say.
- As you know, we are BIG fans of the ladies from Rain for Roots. Great news! Their new album of Advent songs is out and ready to be enjoyed for the coming season and beyond. The record is Waiting Songs, and it’s excellent.
Something to Do with Your Kids
Don't let Christmas run away with you just yet! Here are 20 fun-to-make Thanksgiving crafts. Be thankful! Read more.
And Something to Watch
I love ads that are overly-dramatic about ordinary things. This fits the bill and is a good chuckle for your kids, to boot.
Thank you for reading. We're on your side.
- Tumbleweed Thompson Comes Home - October 15, 2024
- Mice that speak and the language of imagination - July 26, 2017
- The Warren & the World Vol 4, Issue 40 - October 8, 2016
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