Every Friday we recap a little from the Warren and venture out into the world for more stories you might have missed.
You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.
– Clive Staples “Jack” Lewis
Dude, you should totally read this:
It wouldn’t be Andrew Peterson week without a few more reviews of Light for the Lost Boy: Jonathan Rogers’ review at the Rabbit Room was great. So was this review at Radar Radio. Christianity Today had a good one too. Jen Rose had an excellent one as well.
Greg Lucas talks about sending a son off to the army. The way he sees that transition was really good for me. My oldest is four, and I already have ever-so-minor panic attacks thinking about life transitions.
But God is good to give us gifts that we cannot hold onto.
This book by Dan Allender looks like it has some parenting wisdom. I’m adding it to my to-read list.
Much of the book builds on learning to listen to our kids, and realizing they are asking two basic questions, “Am I loved?” and “Can I get my own way?”
Wouldn’t it be awesome if someone cut together a bunch of really old movies as a “premake” trailer for the Avengers if it had been made in the early 1950s? Got you covered.
Jason Gray’s post at the Rabbit Room about the story we tell ourselves is important reading.
Together, the story I tell the world and the story I tell myself form the single narrative of my life and either lead me deeper into the life-giving heart of it or drive me away from it.
It’s that time of year. Football is everywhere. ESPN the magazine has 120 reasons football won’t last.
Finally, two things: first, grilled meat might make you fat. Oh darn. And, watch Wal*mart take over America. Also, some day, try to get to Wal*mart while they’re doing a staff huddle. It’s impossible to predict, but a great delight awaits. Hint: their “get pumped up” chant includes the words, “Give Me A Squiggly!”
Inside the Warren:
We all talked about why we love Andrew Peterson. * Sam reviewed Light for the Lost Boy * James reviewed the Wingfeather Saga * Randy told us what he’s learned from Andrew as a dad.
Another fun kid-centric activity:
It’s a kit… with all the supplies you need to build a fort. 7-year-old me say, “Radical!”
This video is so… so… Story Warren:
As they say in Japan, you’re making tea with your navel!
We’re on your side,
- Tumbleweed Thompson Comes Home - October 15, 2024
- Mice that speak and the language of imagination - July 26, 2017
- The Warren & the World Vol 4, Issue 40 - October 8, 2016
Hey, for a guy who hasn’t been a world traveler (yet) you sure know what they say in a lot of countries :o)
Loved that video!