Need a book? Need a laugh? Need a word of encouragement on a dark day? I hope you find at least one of those in here.

Around the Web
Immanuel: Not Just for Your Christmas Card
Christine Gordon reminds us that Immanuel is a promise of waiting with hope.
- It’s that time of year when many parents of young children ask their friends this important question: “Do any of you have a shepherd’s robe or sheep costume we could borrow for a couple of weeks?” We enjoy watching our little ones dress up as Mary or Joseph, an angel or camel, and listening to the history of how Jesus came into the world. We do it to help our kids learn the story and to remind ourselves of the same. We wrap them in burlap and flowing robes to help them act out the scenes of Jesus’s birth, inviting them to enter the culture and customs of Jesus’ world.
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How to Have a British Christmas
The one and only Sally Lloyd-Jones gives a masterclass in how to have a British Christmas.
- Are you looking to try something new this Christmas? We Brits (me, Charles Dickens, Charles II, you know) pride ourselves on how we do Christmas. So here are three fabulous British Christmas traditions to try.
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TGC Editorial Staff: Books We Enjoyed in 2021
The Gospel Coalition Editorial staff have come up with a list with something for everyone. Some of these can be on your reading list, and some can be added to the family stack.
- It shouldn’t be surprising that editorial staff at The Gospel Coalition enjoy reading. While our team worked diligently to evaluate the Christian market for our annual book awards, we also read an eclectic array of titles for professional development, historical awareness, encouragement, and just plain fun.
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Blessings Pressed Down, Shaken Together
Sarah Mackenzie has books for you to buy—or not.
- If your inbox is anything like mine, you might be experiencing a little “you-need-to-buy-this-for-Christmas” fatigue.
I always like to remind myself that Christmas will come and the Baby King will be born, no matter what I buy or don’t. No matter what I get checked off on my merry-making list . . .
. . . or don’t.
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Around the Warren
Helena Sorensen takes a look at how to make celebrations punctuate the year.
- “Celebrations punctuate our year, and our punctuations define us as a people.”
–Malcolm Smith
The people of ancient Ireland marked their year with eight solar and lunar celebrations. Every six weeks or so, they gathered, performed religious rites, feasted, danced, and held competitions. If a man committed a crime, he could be excluded from the festivities as punishment, for that is how deeply those people valued their celebrations. Celebration was central to their understanding of life and community. And they are not alone among the peoples of the world in their love of ritual and celebration.
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Any Time, Any Place, Any Prayer | Laura Wifler
Théa Rosenburg recommends a book on talking with God.
- Teaching kids to pray can be tricky. When we talk to other people, we take in all kinds of cues, from their posture to their facial expression to what they do with their hands. They interact with us as we speak, even if they respond only with a distracted “Mmm-hmm.” But the act of prayer itself requires some degree of faith that the person you’re talking to—that you cannot see or hear (at least not in the way we’re used to)—is listening and will respond.
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Something to Do with Your Kids
Are you ornament makers in your house? I used to love to make them—both for our tree and to give away. If you want some easy ornament projects, we’ve got a list for you.
Something to Watch
Do you need to laugh? I mean, tears-in-your-eyes, stitch-in-your-side laugh?
Well, Merry Christmas.

Thanks for reading. We’re on your side.
–The Story Warren Team
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 4 - February 1, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 3 - January 25, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 2 - January 18, 2025
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