Everybody is teaching and reading things online these days. It’s actually kind of cool to think of all the things out there to learn–and also a little overwhelming! If your days are full of kids and home and feeding a family and trying to keep up with their education and maybe working and everything else you’re supposed to do these days, learning can feel like just one more thing. I hope, though, you can find a little joy in it this week.

Around the Web
Praise Him Anyway Bible Reading Plan
Rachel Wojo presents a Bible Reading challenge for hard days. If you need a little urging to get back into God’s word, maybe this could be it.
- COVD-19 has brought new challenges and a different way of life for everyone. Most of the changes feel daunting and unwanted. Our nation, and the whole world, is navigating uncharted territory. Restrictions are leaving many feeling isolated and lonely. Parents are feeling inadequate. Children are grieving losses of experiences. People are unsure of what to do.
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How to Talk to Your Kids about the Tragedies of COVID-19
I’ve seen funny memes about how small kids are processing this strange world we live in right now, but the truth of it is that there are really sad and scary things happening and it might be hard for your child to process everything that’s going on. This post gives some helpful ideas for how to talk about it.
- When our world was first affected by COVID-19, it was pretty easy to keep the details vague about why our activities were suddenly canceled when talking to our kids. As time has gone on we’ve had no choice but to more fully explain some of the scary truths our world is currently facing.
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Fractions Can be Your Friends
If you’ve never read Sir Cumference, you should.
- Do you enjoy math?
Most “readers” I’ve met have an avowed distrust of math. It seems that our cultural narrative lumps learners into humanities types (history/English/art) and STEM types (math/science). I don’t think that’s universally true, but, like all stereotypes, it contains a kernel of truth.
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Stuff For You
Everybody’s doing online classes and readings, aren’t they?
- Julie Andrews Is Hosting Story Time On Her New Podcast
- Virtual Hamilton Education Class From Lin-Manual Miranda
- Online Theater Course from Disney’s ‘The Lion King’ on Broadway
- Sesame Street Is Teaching Kids ‘Belly Breathing

Around the Warren
Story of Stories
Bethany Melton looks for the hopeful stories.
- The internet isn’t just bawling with dark news and death tolls these days. Look a little closer and you’ll find stories— hopeful ones. Old people still madly in love, communities using the web to unite, neighbors singing the Doxology from their porches at nine sharp each morning.
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Of Stuck-ness and Sustaining Books
Katie Williams finds new comfort with an old friend.
- Sometimes, when I re-read books I loved as a child, I find they have lost much of their luster. But occasionally, I find glimmers there of gems I hadn’t noticed before.
Lately, I’ve been savoring afresh the tales of Winnie-the-Pooh by A.A. Milne. A charming collection of anecdotes featuring Pooh and his adventures (many of which were later popularized by Disney), this childhood classic never fails to disarm me with its simplicity, goofiness, and exuberant word play.
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Something to Do with Your Kids
This architecture firm has developed printable templates for building paper skyscrapers at home. And they’re pretty cool.
Something to Watch
Take a minute to learn about “feather letters,” a little bit of history from Scandinavia.

Thanks for reading. We’re on your side.
-The Story Warren Team
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 4 - February 1, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 3 - January 25, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 2 - January 18, 2025
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