We had a classic “rainy-season” week here where I live. Days started warm and muggy, but sunny, and then each afternoon, a storm rolled through (with thunder and lightning, some days) and then once it was done, the sun came out and lit the evening with its golden light. While I could do without the humidity, I don’t mind the daily rhythm of rain pattering against my windows.
Around the Web
Hospitality is an Everyday Endeavor
My mom talks about the difference between hospitality and entertaining, saying that hospitality is just about opening the doors—of your life and of your home—without putting on a show. These words resonated with me.
- Ask most people in the church what hospitality is meant to look like, and they will probably describe a meal in someone’s home or an overnight stay with friends. We have been trained to think of it as food, tables, napkins, centerpieces, or more recently, opening the doors of imperfect homes to usher in friends and strangers alike. These examples of hospitality aren’t bad, but when we think of hospitality as an event, we lose a lot of the meaning behind its purpose.
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Raising Little Image Bearers
Tara Gibbs considers what it means to parent bearers of imago dei.
- My husband and I parented four children, and I’ll confess this may not be the quote that comes most quickly to my mind from those years. But as I meditate upon the lessons that stand out the most, I am more and more convinced how foundational Genesis 1:26-28 is to godly parenting:
Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:26-27)
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Batter Up! Books About Baseball (a Librarian’s List)
Baseball is quintessentially summer in my book.
- Aside from the beach, nothing says “summertime” and “American” more than a game of baseball, complete with hot dog, iced beverage, bleachers, and the elusive foul ball dropping into the stands. Our local Minor League team has great promotions all summer that include regular fireworks, $1 hot dog night, bring-your-dog night, and many more. AND, they sponsor their own summer reading challenge which results in … you guessed it… free tickets to the games! Let’s play ball!
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Interview: Stephen Hesselman on The Golden Key
Stephen Hesselman’s graphic novel rendition of The Golden Key is gorgeous. Elly Anderson sat down with him to talk about it.
- We have an exciting announcement for our Rabbit Room members! Next week, we’re sending out a very special collection of coloring pages from Stephen Hesselman, the editor, and illustrator of the graphic novel adaptation of The Golden Key.
The collection will not only include some of our favorite inked drawings from The Golden Key, but also a series of whimsical summer-themed drawings (which may or may not include a sketch of Tolkien, MacDonald, and Lewis celebrating the 4th of July). We cannot wait for you to see them!
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Around the Warren
Cupped Hands
Isabel Chenot meditates on a beautiful picture of prayer.
- One of my nieces used to cup her hands over the enchanting pictures in her storybooks, and carry them invisibly in a finger-cradle to her mother. At that time, my sister-in-law washed dishes by ones and twos in a portable tub, hung laundry to dry, and revolved a simple routine of feeding, delighting, neatening and soothing three little girls.
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Storybound: A Review
Millie Sweeny recommends a love letter to Story.
- Imagine every character in your favorite story exists — not between the bindings of their book, but in an entire separate world. A world where characters learn how to be Heroes and Villains, how to sword fight, how to inhabit the world of books and tell their stories rightly. Now imagine a girl from our world fallen into this Story world, a world where Readers are not welcome based on a troubled and violent past.
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Something to Do with Your Kids
Want to learn more about the weather? Here’s how to make fog in a bottle.
Something to Watch
Since we’re talking about baseball, here’s a short history of the sport.
Thanks for reading. We’re on your side.
–The Story Warren Team
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 2 - January 18, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 1 - January 11, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 12, Issue 45 - December 21, 2024
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