Justin Timberlake memes are about to make their annual cycle through the realms of social media, Mother’s Day is just around the corner, all the school end-of-year things are looming…it can only mean one thing (in the words of the immortal N’Sync): “It’s gonna be May.” (er, well, they said, “me”—that joke really doesn’t work in written form, but…)

Around the Web
In Which I Am Bossy About What We’d Like for Mothers’ Day
Our own Kelly Keller has an excellent essay for dads in advance of Mother’s Day. Feel free to pass this one along.
- Hi Guys.
Maybe this email has been politely forwarded to you by your wife or one of her friends. Welcome, I’m glad you’re here. I’ll try not to take up too much of your time.
I’m going to fully lean into my position as a mid-40s woman to get bossy about some things. You can choose to ignore me as you would a bossy older sister, or you can choose to listen to me and make this year a lovely one for your wife.
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Board Books for Tiny Readers
Sally Lloyd-Jones has collected some of her favorite board books into a list on Amazon (you can get them other places, too, but this is a good place to start if you’re trying to choose!).
- We put together a little collection of little books for the tiniest littlest readers. Click the link in bio or stories for some of my favourites. What are some of your favourites? What are we missing?
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Call It Good: Thomas McKenzie, Helena Sorensen, Russ Ramsey, & Malcolm Guite
The Rabbit Room introduces a new limited podcast series about the invitation to subcreation.
- New to the Rabbit Room Podcast Network is Call It Good: Conversations on Creative Confidence. Hosted by Matt Conner (host of The Resistance), Call It Good is a limited series of conversations with authors, artists, and pastors about the invitation before us to join with the Spirit in the act of re-creating the world.
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The Virtue of Argument
Lindsey Ralls approaches arguments anew.
- As I sat down to write this, my daughter asked me what I was writing about. Adequately explaining virtue to a 9-year-old seemed like it might take more time than I wanted to devote at the moment, so I simply said, “I’m writing about how argument can be good.” She instantly responded vehemently with, “No, it can’t!? Arguing is a bad thing?!”
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Around the Warren
Counting Snails
Todd Wedel recounts the discovery of the House of Snails.
- The pandemic was hard. In California, we were in a lockdown. We were essentially constrained to home and short trips to necessary stores. The pandemic was hard on schools; as a headmaster, I was in the role of leading a school, teaching classes, and coordinating my own children’s Zooms and related distance learning. The pandemic was hard on individuals. I was in the role of leading a school as various parents and staff moved from questioning methodology to motives, from conduct to character.
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The Hard Stories of Katherine Paterson
Jessica Burke recommends wrestling with the hard stories of one of the great American authors.
- When I wake up each morning, the first thing I see as my eyes start to clear is a giant calendar. It represents the first 18 years of my son’s life, and more days are crossed off than not. I rub my eyes and try to focus and remember that the calendar is not really there. But I can’t shake it. There’s so little time left before he’s grown. And once he’s an adult, it’s not long before his sisters are too.
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Something to Do with Your Kids
Looking for ways to brighten rainy spring days or help get the wiggles out as you stretch after winter? Try these!
Something to Watch
So this is fun: the history of Mother’s Day.

Thanks for reading. We’re on your side.
–The Story Warren Team
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 4 - February 1, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 3 - January 25, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 2 - January 18, 2025
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