The year comes to a close and I hope that you have had a good 2018. Whether you’ve faced joy or sorrow, uncertainty or adventure, we hope that your family has been blessed by what Story Warren has offered. I love being part of this team that seeks out lights in the darkness with the goal of supporting you in the good work you do. We’re your allies in imagination, and we are–really and truly–on your side.
Don’t miss the link below to the PDF of stories submitted by YOU to go along with Jamin Still’s painting!
Around the Web
In Defense Of George Bailey
Joshua Gibbs writes at the Circe Institute to examine the theological pitfalls of a Christmas favorite and argues that we can still allow George Bailey in our lives.
- Any debate about the merit of It’s A Wonderful Life is, by this point, largely superfluous. While there is no cinematic equivalent of Homer, if there were, it would be Capra’s 1946 Christmas classic. 72 years is a long time for a pop culture artifact to last. Consider for a moment that the best-selling book of 1946 was Frederic Wakeman’s The Hucksters, and that title has never been reprinted. First editions currently sell on Amazon for about a dollar. Of course, Hitchcock’s Notorious was also released in 1946, and while that film still plays well, it isn’t showing at hundreds of theaters across the globe this week, from Richmond, Virginia, where I live, to Paris, London, Milan, and Berlin.
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The 2018 Reading Challenge: Interview with a Teen
Betsy at Redeemed Reader interviews her daughter about what it was like to do a 2018 Reading Challenge.
- I (Betsy) interviewed my teen daughter about her experience with the 2018 Reading Challenge. She’s a 13-year-old voracious reader who has clear genre preferences, but who is also receptive to suggestions from me. We both did the same challenge level, and it’s been a fun year together!
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The Best Printable Planners for Moms
Need to get 2019 in order? The folks at Kids Activities Blog have a slew of printable planners for you to choose from.
- Looking for the best printable planners for moms? You’re in the right place!
We’ve scoured the internet to find some of the most amazing printable planners that will help make life easier for mom.
From planning your day, week, month, and year to getting dinner on the table; we have you covered!
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When There’s No Happy Hallmark Ending: How to Face Pain
Lindsey Wheeler shares about suffering.
- Life is hard.
There. I’ve said it.
I know this because I’ve lived much of the last decade in pain—debilitating physical pain caused by chronic illness, and the soul-crushing pain of having a precious child who is locked in a place of emotional trauma.
Perhaps the deepest hurt of all is knowing that I cannot free her.
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Around the Warren
Tiny Tim’s Story Is Our Story
Janna Fry reminds us of the beauty, worth, and value of a life paradoxically precious because of an ability lost.
- I read A Christmas Carol every year. I come by it naturally. Grandpa read A Christmas Carol aloud, in that grandfatherly voice just made for telling stories, a stave each night during one of our holiday visits to Virginia. He and Grandma owned a dozen or more movie versions of Scrooge’s tale. I vividly recall my awe as a child, seated with my parents in an ornate theatre, thrilled with surprise as the Ghost of Christmas Past arose on-stage right out of Scrooge’s bedsheets. Our family dog was even named Dickens.
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The Littlest Star-Hanger: A Story
Chances are, your tree is still up and the lights are still twinkling. Curl up with your family or a steaming beverage and enjoy this story: The Little Star-Hanger.
- One night, very long ago, the Star-Hangers polished all of the stars in their keeping and hung them carefully in the black sky.
The littlest of them watched, enthralled. He paid close attention every evening, although he had to shield his face when the whole collection was laid out for the world below to see.
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Your Stories: To Cross the Sea and Other Stories Printable Booklet
We’ve got YOUR stories ready! Thanks so much for participating in our writing prompt.
- I’m happy to say that we have compiled a PDF with all of the short stories inspired by Jamin Still’s painting! Use the link below to download To Cross the Sea and Other Stories, and you can print the whole document, or just the cover page with Jamin’s painting, and your own stories. Thanks so much to everyone who participated–it was great fun to see the breadth of imagination and creativity in your submissions!
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Something to Do with Your Kids
Need something to decorate the house with for New Year’s Eve? Check out these printables and get coloring!
Something to Watch
The “Pastry Chef Attempts to Make” videos from the Bon Appetit test kitchen are some of my favorite things. Watching Claire problem-solve and use the knowledge she has to come up with new ways to try for success is so much fun.
(Caveat emptor: Some BA Test Kitchen videos are not totally kid-friendly. They do bleep swear words, but the humor gets a little off sometimes. This episode should be fine for kids!)
Thanks for reading. We’re on your side.
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 4 - February 1, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 3 - January 25, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 2 - January 18, 2025
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