The Warren & the World is Story Warren’s weekly newsletter, providing a round-up of our favorite things from around the web as well as a review of what was on our site over the past week. We’re glad you’re here!
Around the Web
Deep Darkness Before Dawn
On this Good Friday, we look with Trevin Wax at how the best stories must grow dark before the light comes.
- The prophetic books of the Old Testament don’t always lend themselves to easy application. When I preach, I try to set these ancient prophecies in context, explain their meaning, and show how some have already been fulfilled in Christ.
The prophets are illuminating, yes. But immediately applicable? Not always . . . unless we broaden our view of application and consider the story behind the symbols.
Halos and Other Important Things
- In second grade my mom put me in an art class taught by a fluffy-haired blonde who took us to a museum to sketch a Madonna with child. Before we began, our teacher asked us what we noticed about the painting. I raised my hand.
“She has a golden crown.”
“It’s a halo, not a crown,” my friend Sarah corrected.
“I want one,” I said.
Teach Children the Bible Is Not About Them
- When I go into churches and speak to children I ask them two questions:
First, How many people here sometimes think you have to be good for God to love you?They tentatively raise their hands. I raise my hand along with them.
And second, How many people here sometimes think that if you aren’t good, God will stop loving you? They look around and again raise their hands.
These are children in Sunday schools who know the Bible stories and probably all the right answers, and yet they have somehow missed the most important thing of all.
They have missed what the Bible is all about.
They are children like I once was.
Family Life: Should I Bring My Kids to a Funeral?
Rachel Schmoyer gives advice on what to consider as you introduce your children to funerals.
- There has been a death in your family or in your community.
Should you bring your kids to the funeral?
It depends.Here are some things to consider:
Kids need time to grieve too. One of the big reasons to have a funeral is to grieve together. Kids need opportunity to grieve in community, too. A funeral gives your child time to revisit the favorite memories of the person and gives them a chance to have some closure, too.
Around the Warren
On Wrestling: An Open Letter to my Son
Ariaun Loveday writes to her son to help him see the ways his relationship with his father reflects his relationship with God.
- Dear Aiden,
Do you know what one of my favorite things to watch you do is? I love to watch you wrestle with your Daddy. I love how the two of you like to try to beat each other to a pulp and laugh together as you’re doing so. I love how, even though he’s nearly twice your height and three times your weight, you come at him as though you truly believe you can conquer him. And what’s funny is that the more he proves to you that he is the mightier opponent, the more you seem to enjoy it. But sometimes, in his mercy, he offers you the illusion that you have the upper hand. It’s what gives you the adrenaline to keep coming back for more, I think.
I get it.
Okay, I don’t.
Cultivating a Creative Culture At Home
Greta Eskridge shares her wisdom for cultivating a home culture of creativity.
- My husband is an artist, and has been since he was a very little boy. Many times I’ve heard him tell the story of starting school where every single one of his classmates was an artist. Everyone drew and everyone created. But as each year went by, fewer and fewer kids saw themselves as artists. Fewer kids used their free time to draw. By 5th or 6th grade there were only a small handful of kids sitting together and drawing or creating. And that number continued to shrink from there. Hearing that story, always made me sad.
Something to Do with Your Kids
If you’re looking for good ways to spend time with your kids this Easter weekend, check out these meaningful Easter activities.
And Something to Watch
Cindy Morgan, Ginny Owens, and Andrew Greer team up to share a lovely Good Friday song.
Thank you for reading. We’re on your side.
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 4 - February 1, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 3 - January 25, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 2 - January 18, 2025
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