The Warren & the World is Story Warren’s weekly newsletter, providing a round-up of our favorite things from around the web as well as a review of what was on our site over the past week. We’re glad you’re here!
Around the Web
What to Read Next? More Exceptional Late Fall 2017 Chapter Books
Melissa Taylor at Imagination Soup has recommendations for chapter books.
- It’s almost the end of 2017 yet there are still books to read. I’ve culled and found even more amazing middle grade books to recommend to you. If you’re looking for what to read next, try one of these. (Several are going on my BEST OF 2017 list!)
8 New Resources for Advent
- Advent always comes at just the right time.
In the midst of hectic holiday schedules and at the end of another violent, troubled year, our hearts in December are often heavy; our bodies weary; and our souls ready for the justice and shalom that only Jesus, the Prince of Peace, can provide.
Family Life: Fewer Choices, Less Stress for the Holiday Season
- When my youngest child, Molly, was 5 years old, an elderly friend took our family to the Dollar Store. For Christmas, she wanted to treat each of our children to five things from the store; five things of their choice.
The day we met at the store, it was crowded with people getting ready for Christmas. Everyone was trying to get in and out quickly, but we leisurely browsed up and down each aisle so the kids could see all the choices. In the first aisle, Molly saw some pretty wrapping paper and bows and picked them up. When she did, I said, “Are you sure? Maybe you will like the next aisle better.”
The second aisle was filled with toys!
Teach Your Children the Virtue of Waiting
As we enter this season of waiting, it’s a time when we can teach that virtue to the kids in our lives.
- As soon as the last Thanksgiving turkey bone is gnawed clean, there’s only one thought on our minds: Christmas is coming.
In busy households, managing expectations for parents and children can be both a trial and a joy. But the season of Advent—the weeks encompassing the four Sundays leading up to Christmas—represents a wonderful opportunity to teach our children, and ourselves, about waiting, a vital but neglected virtue of the Christian life.
Around the Warren
Reimagining “Enough”
Helena Sorensen considers simplicity.
- Over the past months, I’ve found myself gravitating towards a simpler life. I say this as a homeschool mom in a one-income household. My husband works from home, too, so we spend a fair number of our days in pajamas. Also, I’m not a hoarder. Few things give me more pleasure than a thorough purge. I’m comfortable saying, “No,” so our schedule isn’t overloaded. Still, I’ve been searching for something I can’t quite put my finger on. Do you ever do that? Wander in a new direction as though compelled by some mysterious inner compass?
The Littlest Watchman: Anticipating Christmas
Carolyn Leiloglou reviews Scott James’ The Littlest Watchman.
- The Christmas story is amazing, isn’t it? God wrapped himself in flesh and emerged into the world as a helpless baby. He was totally dependent, yet with a mission to save the world He created.
But it can be hard to make the story feel fresh for a kid who’s heard it five bazillion times. How can we? One way is to reframe it as a story of anticipation. That’s exactly Scott James does in his new picture book, The Littlest Watchman: Watching and Waiting for the Very First Christmas.
Something to Do with Your Kids
Advent begins this weekend and your family likely has certain traditions you keep. If you want some new suggestions, this list has a bunch.
And Something to Watch
I’ve been catching songs from old musicals on YouTube lately. Here’s a favorite one:
Thank you for reading. We’re on your side.
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 4 - February 1, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 3 - January 25, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 2 - January 18, 2025
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