We had our first really hot day this week and I’m reminded how I dislike sticky summer heat. But today, at least, it was bearable, and a reminder that there is a season for everything, and a time for every purpose under heaven. Today’s purpose was baking a bit in the summer weather before finding my way back to an air conditioned cool.

Around the Web
Introducing Taste and See
The Rabbit Room introduces a new documentary.
- Every once in a while, the Rabbit Room team has the good fortune of crossing paths with someone whose creative work is shockingly aligned with our own. These moments re-invigorate us not only in our own mission and vision, but in the desire to share the good and lasting work of kindred spirits far and wide. Most recently, this wonderful convergence has taken place with Andrew Brumme, who is directing a new documentary series called Taste and See that will blow your mind and change the way you think about breakfast.
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Praying the Word: When You Feel Angry
Annie Vanderheiden gives us words from the Word for our prayers.
- On the surface, prayer seems simple. It’s talking to God. But in practice, we may have a lot of questions. Am I doing this right? Is there a “right” way to do it? What am I supposed to say? Are there things I shouldn’t pray about? Or maybe we feel pretty comfortable with praying, but we struggle with getting bored or losing focus.
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Everything Sad Is Untrue: Scheherezade and Rivers of Blood
K.B. Hoyle reviews Daniel Nayeri’s masterful YA novel.
- In the Persian classic One Thousand and One Nights, the doomed bride Scheherezade tells story after story each night to hold the interest of her husband the king, and prevent him from killing her at dawn. If she can make it until dawn alive, she lives another day. Her stories keep her alive, and every morning, there is hope.
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The Work of Rest
Ella Bruno explores the work it takes to rest.
- I currently live in, arguably, the biggest achiever-mindset environment in the nation: Georgetown University in Washington D.C. As an Enneagram 3, you’d think this climate would be comforting. Finally, people who understand my obsession with the Oxford Comma!
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Around the Warren
The Visit
Tia Phillips recognizes the hard moments.
- I wasn’t expecting it. The visceral response, the feeling as though I had stepped back in time, into a place that once belonged to me but no longer did. It was just supposed to be a visit – a short one to pass the time as I adjusted to new normals.
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In the Wilderness
Aimee Davis explores the wilderness.
- Just down the road from my house growing up was a cul-de-sac that had at the head an entrance into a huge forest of wooded trails. My friends and I would often roam around these woods that eventually opened up into a field filled with tall waving grass, snowy white Queen Ann’s Lace and all sorts of other wild flowers. I’ve been sitting in the book of Numbers during my personal study time. I’ve come to learn that Numbers is actually a terrible name and many scholars title it “In the Wilderness.”
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Something to Do with Your Kids
Need some craft ideas for your littlest ones? Here are some good ones!
Something to Watch
CGP Grey gets quantum and spacial from a sheet of A4 paper…

Thanks for reading. We’re on your side. –The Story Warren Team
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 4 - February 1, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 3 - January 25, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 2 - January 18, 2025
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