Jonathan Rogers is a fine author, an awfully smart fellow, and a man who excels at humorous anecdotes. He even has a humorous anecdote about telling a humorous anecdote. If […]
King Arthur and the Giant of Mont Saint Michel
This story features a nasty type of giant that is helpful to portray. It is the classic story of King Arthur and the Giant of Mont Saint Michel. There are […]
Books of the Bible Song (Old Testament)
In these early months of 2013, when I’m not busy booking concerts, I’m working on songs for the new Slugs & Bugs CD. If you haven’t heard, almost all of […]
Trouble in the Nursery
My friend Vincent Anastasi is a songwriter of some local repute, and his local shows (which he plays with his two oldest boys) are always great fun. But I want […]
Sheep-eating Giant
I’m adding some middle-grade cover images to my […]