I love many moments in The Wilderking Trilogy, but one of my favorites happens outside the story, on the faces of those hearing it for the first time: it is […]
Review: For Such a Time as This, by Angie Smith
After reading a picture book that praised Eve for standing her ground against God, I almost abandoned my quest. But the stories of so many women are sown quietly throughout […]
The Ingredients We Have on Hand
One of my favorite illustrations of the writing process comes from Madeliene L’Engle’s book Walking on Water. In it she compares writing books to cooking dinner: she adds a bit […]
Review: Wildflowers Magazine
When I was a child, I loved checking the mail. I hoped, with a hope that renewed every morning, that inside our mailbox I’d find an envelope addressed to me: […]
The Mistmantle Chronicles, by M.I. McAllister
Some might consider what I’m about to do cruel. First, I’m going to rave about The Mistmantle Chronicles. I’m going to tell you that they are everything I look for […]