Every Friday we recap a little from the Warren and venture out into the world for more stories you might have missed.
“I have always believed, it is not so much their subjects that the great teachers teach as it is themselves.”
– Fredrick Buechner
Dude, you should totally read this:
Rachel at Heirs With Christ recounts 22 lessons believers learn through adoption:
We never RESCUE any child. We parent a child, and God uses that to transform the lives of the entire family.
Paul Tripp points out that parenting is never an interruption. Beautiful (via SD Smith):
But the reality is different from God’s perspective. The sin, weakness, rebellion, or failure of your children is never an imposition on your parenting. It is never an interruption. It is never a hassle. It is always grace. God loves your children.
One of the best things you can give your children is perspective. Challies linked to a post from last year about just how big the universe is. It’s great.
Something you should know about me: I love ketchup. In 2007, I read this blog post from Andy Osenga, where he stated:
So Cason called Heinz. No lie. He picked up the phone, dialed the 800-number he saw on the back and pushed buttons until he got somebody.
“Hi, am I supposed to keep my ketchup in the fridge?”
“No. You can, but you don’t have to.”
And our lives were changed forever.
And my life was changed forever too. Now, I read this about how to use the little cups of ketchup better, and my life is even better. Now if McDonalds in the USA would fix its ketchup recipe, life would be complete.
Andrew Peterson’s next album is up for preorder at the Rabbit Room. We’re excited for this one!
Inside the Warren:
Do something fun. Better yet, send your kids:
This video is so… so… Story Warren:
The 8-Bit Games! from Flikli on Vimeo. Tell your kids that video games once looked worse than this.
As they say in Armenia, Stop ironing my head!
We’re on your side,
- Tumbleweed Thompson Comes Home - October 15, 2024
- Mice that speak and the language of imagination - July 26, 2017
- The Warren & the World Vol 4, Issue 40 - October 8, 2016
Why do I love the 8-bit Olympics theme music so much?