Amen, Carrie! And not just in this line, right? Eliot’s novels as a whole give dignity to people who live quiet lives faithfully. I think I’m going to have to reread Middlemarch soon!
Kimberlee – Yes! I’ve taught a seminar at some writing conferences on “Telling Great Stories” and in my segment on plot, I highlight the plots that echo the Great Story of Creation, Fall, Redemption, but then I pull out Middlemarch. I bring up the concept (I think from Richard Rohr, but I was introduced to it by Andy Gullahorn) that between the tragic Good Fridays of life and the celebratory Easter Sundays there are the Saturdays of waiting–and most of life is made up of them. Middlemarch is 800 some pages of Saturdays; and it’s one of the most lovely books I’ve ever read.
This is quite possibly my favorite ending of a book ever. I love the honor and dignity Eliot gives to living in quiet faithfulness.
Amen, Carrie! And not just in this line, right? Eliot’s novels as a whole give dignity to people who live quiet lives faithfully. I think I’m going to have to reread Middlemarch soon!
Kimberlee – Yes! I’ve taught a seminar at some writing conferences on “Telling Great Stories” and in my segment on plot, I highlight the plots that echo the Great Story of Creation, Fall, Redemption, but then I pull out Middlemarch. I bring up the concept (I think from Richard Rohr, but I was introduced to it by Andy Gullahorn) that between the tragic Good Fridays of life and the celebratory Easter Sundays there are the Saturdays of waiting–and most of life is made up of them. Middlemarch is 800 some pages of Saturdays; and it’s one of the most lovely books I’ve ever read.
Middlemarch is one of my favorite novels ever! Thank you for pairing its lovely ending with this this beautiful photo.