What’s going on here?
The Green Ember is a new story with an old soul…
If your family hasn’t experienced it yet, or if you’ve never listened to the audio performance, this is a great opportunity! We have a wonderful audiobook production narrated by Joel Clarkson. We’d love to put it in your hands for super cheap.
The Green Ember Audiobook is normally $19.95 on Audible. It’s usually about $10 on our store. For a limited time, in cahoots with the legendary Money Saving Mom, we want to make it super easy for you. Sign up for author S. D. Smith’s email newsletter (below) and we’ll send you a discount code so that you can buy The Green Ember Audiobook for one single dollar. No joke.
How will it work?
You’ll sign up by putting your email address in the form below. We’ll send you an email (these may take a little while to reach you) with a discount code and link for you to follow. It’ll be clear and simple. $1. Easy. Bam. Hours of audio adventure for the kids (and you)!
Click here to Sign Up!
Now, check your email!
If you have any trouble with the process at all, please contact info@storywarren.com. We will make sure you get this deal! Thank you.
We’re on your side!
For more about The Green Ember and the family it came from, see this….