A midwesterner by birth and a southerner by calling, David Kern is a writer, English teacher, and non-profit creative director. He lives in North Carolina with his wife, Bethany; son, Coulter; and cat, Wilco. Among his interests are fiction and stories; coaching high school football; select films and TV; conversations over choice pipe tobacco; sports; and books by Flannery O’Connor, Cormac McCarthy, C.S. Lewis, and Wendell Berry. He’s also fond of the fairy tales of Andrew Lang, the Little House On The Prairie series, and the illustrations of Maurice Sendak. As a teacher he is driven by a desire to see his students think deeply and for themselves, and as a dad he is obsessed with the idea that his son has a soul and that it’s his responsibility to help form it (a dangerous, scary, exciting, humbling reality). In his work for the CiRCE Institute, a NC-based non-profit that provides resources and inspiration for Christian and classical educators, he has the wonderful opportunity to work with and on behalf of folks who are committed to the cultivation of virtue and imagination. His goal is to serve them as they in turn serve their own communities. He is a contributor to The Bagshot Row.
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