The Warren & the World is Story Warren’s weekly newsletter, providing a round-up of our favorite things from around the web as well as a review of what was on our site over the past week. We’re glad you’re here!
Around the Web
Hook Your Tweens and Teens on Banned Books
Next week is national banned book week here in the States, and Melissa Taylor at Imagination Soup has a great idea for getting your tween or teen who has dropped off reading back on the wagon: banned books.
- My kids aren’t reading like the used to. It’s not good. But, I have a plan . . . I’m going to entice them with the controversy of banned books. In fact, I think the emotional tug of unfairness and lack of choice will motivate your tweens and teens, too. Because there’s nothing more resonating to kids than unfairness. And when books are banned, it’s unfair.
Kids want choice. Kids want fairness.
At our house, I’m seeing too much screen time and not enough reading. I want to see more reading. Not to mention, more thoughtful reading.
What about your kids? If you need a hook, try the banned books idea with me!
A Mommy Daughter Photography Date
- One of the best things I did with Talia this summer was to take her out for a “mommy daughter date” to take photos. I’ve written before about sharing my favourite hobby with her and I recently told you all about how I’ve been able to re-embrace my love of photography with a new, lighter camera. Well, now I’m combining both of those!
Can I See His Face?
- I’m always amazed at the way our small children can teach us deep truths about God.
When our third son was born, his older brothers were eager to meet him. They each got to hold him, kiss him, and love on him. Even after we were home from the hospital, they couldn’t get enough of the new baby, always wanting to see and touch him.
What your kids can do while you read aloud
Sarah Mackenzie has a podcast and some great resources for kids to do while you read aloud to them.
- Does your read-aloud time ever devolve into chaos?
Do you spend just as much time asking your kids to sit still as you do actually reading?
In this episode, I’m talking about how we can modify our expectations just a bit to make reading aloud successful.
Around the Warren
Sacred Surprise
Alyssa Ramsey shares a tale of mercy.
- Two-year-old Silas stood awaiting his sentence. Someone had committed a crime against household harmony, and he had no alibi. In fact, the Judge had seen Silas do it. Whoever said “Justice is blind” was crazy, he thought. I think Justice has eyes in the back of her head. And she did.
Things were not looking good for two-year-old Silas.
Tales of Winter: The Sword of the Spirits Trilogy by John Christopher
Loren Eaton recommends John Christopher’s trilogy—with some caveats.
- Any honest plot summary of John Christopher’s young adult The Sword of the Spirits trilogy will have most conscientious Christian parents squirming in their chairs. The story unfolds something like this: Luke, son of a renowned warrior of feudal Winchester, is on the cusp of manhood when a prophecy handed down by the city’s Seers during a séance reveals that he will one day become Prince of Princes, a ruler to unite the whole of England.
Something to Do with Your Kids
This art project of geometric watercolors is a great resource from the Artful Parent.
And Something to Watch
What’s the heaviest weight in the world? And what is it used for? Find out in this Veritasium video.
Thank you for reading. We’re on your side.
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 7 - March 8, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 6 - March 1, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 5 - February 15, 2025
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