We’re coming up on the end of the school year and I’m seeing promotions and graduations happening from preschool to college. You may be ending something, or starting something new. May you finish well and begin with joy.
Around the Web
When We Don’t Feel Strong Enough for Our Own Lives
Alia Joy shares the struggle of feeling not strong enough.
- I fingered the bottle’s side and slipped a tiny white pill up and onto my palm, placing it on my tongue, gulping it down.
I tore the label, scratching the sticker with my thumbnail. I didn’t want anyone to know I was taking an antidepressant.
I was embarrassed I wasn’t enough.
I couldn’t fix myself with more faith and more prayer and more hours dragged off the clock spent in quiet seeking.
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What’s New in Picture Books (Spring 2019)
Melissa Taylor has a great new list of picture books for us.
- Get ready for a long list of amazing picture books for your home and classroom!
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Have You Thanked Your Child’s Teacher?
If your kids are in school or co-op or Sunday school, you’ve got teachers in your life. Have you thanked them.
- Have you thanked your child’s teacher? Teacher Appreciation Week might have already come and gone, but it is never too late to thank the educators who inspire and instruct our kids! Especially since the end of the school year will be here, soon!
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5 Ways to Teach Your Children that Emotions Are Important
Learning to navigate feelings is a hard and important part of growing up.
- Do you remember who taught you how to identify and navigate your feelings growing up? If you can’t remember who this person was, then you, like many adults, likely grew up during a time when expressing your feelings—especially hurt feelings—was seen as a sign of weakness. For those of us who came of age during this time, we know the frustration and relationship struggles that unresolved emotions can cause.
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Around the Warren
Stories that Ring True
Jessica Deagle shares about the stories that remind us of truth.
- I love reading and listening to stories. When the stories feel real and true, I love them even more because they make me feel that the longings and dreams I have are not thwarted but possible. They resonate with my heart and propel me to noble behaviors. When I consider David and his sins yet hear God proclaim him as a man after his own heart (because of his willingness to repent), I feel encouraged that I too can pursue the heart of God.
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Welcoming Summer
Anne Marshall welcomes the longer days of summertime.
- As the days lengthen and grow warmer and we are drawn more and more outside, I begin to reflect back on the magic of my own childhood. I have fond memories of long summer days swimming in the creek for hours on end, hiking and camping, playing in the woods, canoeing down the river, riding my horse, climbing trees and making forts. The older I get the more thankful I am for those days of freedom and fun.
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Something to Do with Your Kids
Have a graduate in your life and need a good gift? Here are some options you can make at home with your family.
Something to Watch
Evidently asparagus is quite popular in Germany. So much so that they’ve made a video as an ode to it.Thanks for reading. We’re on your side.
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 4 - February 1, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 3 - January 25, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 2 - January 18, 2025
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