Have you heard about S. D. Smith’s new book? He’s writing with his son, J. C. Smith! Jack Zulu and the Waylander’s Key is available for preorder on October 4, but you can get to know all about it now at jackzulu.com!

Around the Web
Abiding Dependence: An interview with Ron Block
Ron Block’s new book is a new song on the tune he loves to sing: our identity in Christ.
- It’s been a decade or more since I had my first conversation with Ron Block, but I can still recall the primary subject that afternoon: identity in Christ. That is because nearly every chat I’ve been privileged to have with Ron has, in some way, circled back around to that idea.
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Ride On by Erin Faith Hicks
Janie at Redeemed Reader explores a new graphic novel for middle grade.
- Ride On is an equestrian graphic novel that horse aficionados will devour.
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Hope for the Pains of Motherhood
Nana Dolce shares words for the painful moments of motherhood.
- We step into the unfolding drama of Genesis 3, spotlight shining on our foremother, Eve. I can only imagine the crushing fear she must have felt at the sound of God’s approach. We see her scurrying about the garden, ducking behind a tree as if vegetation could hide her from the presence of the Creator. Deceived by a serpent, the woman had eaten the forbidden fruit and had offered some to her husband, who also ate. Together, they rebelled against God.
Yet God draws her out from hiding—and his words to her are justice paired with grace in the shadow of sin. She would die in time—but that day, she’s named Eve, mother of the living.
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Why I’m No Longer Trying to Be Extraordinary
Nathan Sloan reminds us of Paul’s call to ordinary faithfulness.
- I put the pen down, took a deep breath, and felt my stomach churn. My wife and I had just bought a house—a joyful occasion for sure, but I couldn’t get the question out of my mind: Are we selling out? By planting roots in the U.S., had we somehow compromised?
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Around the Warren
Imagination, Mystery, and Wonder – On Choosing Books for Children
Junius Johnson looks at what to consider when choosing books for children.
- When I was a child, the world seemed infinite. The horizon, which ever recedes no matter how far you chase it, seemed literal: perhaps the world really did go on forever. Omniscience was easy to envision: perhaps my dad really did know everything. When I learned from the old professor in The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe that nothing was more likely than that “there could be other worlds—all over the place, just round the corner,” this was not much of a surprise.
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The Exact Place: An Excerpt
Leslie Bustard introduces a memoir by Margie Haack.
- Margie Haack, the author of The Exact Place: A Memoir, and her husband Denis, following in the footsteps of Francis Schaeffer and the work of L’Abri, spent decades ministering to people through Ransom Fellowship in Minnesota. Through hospitality, speaking engagements, and their Critique Journal and website, they encouraged people to be discerning thinkers who seek to love their neighbors well.
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Something to Do with Your Kids
Looking for fall art projects? Here are some great suggestions.
Something to Watch

How would YOU draft your donuts?
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–The Story Warren Team
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 5 - February 15, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 4 - February 1, 2025
- The Warren & The World Vol 13, Issue 3 - January 25, 2025
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