Every Friday we recap a little from the Warren and venture out into the world for more stories you might have missed.
A great work of the imagination is one of the highest forms of communication of truth that mankind has reached.
– Madeleine L’Engle, A Circle of Quiet
Dude, you should totally read this:
Who hasn’t had that embarrassing moment in the grocery store where your child points out someone with a disability and loudly wonders, “Dad, what happened?” This article from David Murray has a solid theology of disability. So helpful!
Dealing with disappointment: Natasha at ChristianMomThoughts talks about a vacation gone wrong and a lesson in sanctification.
We expect some kind of (at least roughly) linear growth to stem from our careful Christian parenting, as if we are guiding our kids up a step-by-step ladder of goodness. When they fall, our flawed expectations lead to disappointment in them and ourselves.
Carole at Parenting From the Source talks about teaching faithfulness. I so want to do this better.
I’m intrigued by where this is going: Jared Moore is doing a series on developing discernment in children. I feel like this is a huge challenge for me as a parent. It’s so hard to know what’s safe and what’s dangerous.
Thus, parents who either believe they can shelter their children without the Word of God, or who believe their children can make godly choices apart from the Word of God, have both bought into the Serpent’s lie: “[Our children] will not surely die” (Gen. 3:4).
Another list of great parenting books, this one from Women Living Well.
Our own Alyssa Ramsey writes beautifully about the change God has made in our lives. Phew. I needed that.
Inside the Warren:
Clay Clarkson helped us see how to aid our children in using their imaginations. It was awesome. • Loren Eaton challenged us to seek the best for our kids, even when it’s hard. His hand is purple. • Sam pointed us to Caine’s Arcade. I cried again. • Sarah pointed us to the Brambley Hedge books.
Explore the great outdoors. Better yet, send your kids:
Here’s an article on how to properly hang a tire swing. Who knew you could do it wrong? Me… I knew. Because if there’s a thing to be done, I’m pretty sure I can do it wrong..
This video is so… so… Story Warren:
As they say in Taiwan, A cow which is dragged to Beijing is still a cow.
We’re on your side,
- Tumbleweed Thompson Comes Home - October 15, 2024
- Mice that speak and the language of imagination - July 26, 2017
- The Warren & the World Vol 4, Issue 40 - October 8, 2016
Bees in the wall. Oh my!
wow dude….that was crazy! I thought we had it bad when we had a small colony of mice in our basement.