Thanks for your interest in contributing to Story Warren! We love making new allies.
Current Needs
- Our Fostering Imagination category needs articles about strengthening, informing, and redeeming young imaginations.
- We love articles that pull back the curtain on everyday life to show where imagination leads to, or plays its part in, healthy Christian faith.
- We can always use reviews of books, plays, music, or movies that nourish our imaginations and help us look for God’s Kingdom Come, both eschatologically and in the many ways He works among us every day.
- We occasionally publish original poetry and short stories.
- Illustrators are always welcome – let us know if you’re available, and we’ll try to match you with a written submission.
Editorial Philosophy
Story Warren exists to serve parents as they foster holy imagination in the children they love.”
— S.D. Smith, founder
A living faith depends on a strong, informed, and holy imagination twisting together the strands of truth and hope.”
— James D. Witmer, managing editor
We affirm the historic Christian creeds and the essential stream of Christian orthodoxy, and believe that there are plenty of other places on the internet for argument and controversy. We’re not looking for articles that rally against evil so much as articles about building up what’s good.
Have a look around the website to see how our other writers have approached these topics, then send your article to .