Two years ago, on a blustery October day just like the one out my window, I took a walk with six children down a country road near Boston. When it […]
Tales of Winter
I like fiction. While many here wouldn’t find that confession controversial, the good Christian folk among whom I grew up would lift an eyebrow at it. Why? Well, first they’d […]
The All-Weather Gardener
My wife once had a green thumb. But it was of a particularly virulent type, and she’s now pretty green all over. And just pretty, too. But I digress – […]
The Freedom to Respond
When Esau heard his father’s words, he burst out with a loud and bitter cry and said to his father, “Bless me—me too, my father!” (Genesis 27:34) Esau’s cry has […]
“And Every Hair is Numbered, Just Like Every…”
Bob Dylan sang about it, N.D. Wilson tweets about it: “Slice the world as fine as you like, an Artist has been there first.” NDW By the way, check out […]