Laura Peterson is a transplanted Ohioan in Michigan, where she works for a publishing company, attends graduate school, and haunts used book sales in her spare time. As a child, she was most often reprimanded for making the whole family wait 10 minutes for dinner because she was “just going to finish reading this one page.” (Her inability to put a book down in the middle of a chapter continues to this day.) She loves to make messes in her kitchen, buy flowers in the middle of winter, and daydream about owning an Irish terrier puppy and becoming an All-Star Librarian.
Recent Posts:
“Pax” and Animal StoriesMichael Morpugo’s “The Puffin Keeper”
Making the World More Beautiful (with Miss Rumphius)
How Much is Enough?
Picturing My Fluffy, Crispy, Silent, Impatient World