Among the many things I love about Christmas is the way it brings families together. If you’re Way Up North like I am, this coming together is usually a result of a snowstorm-imposed quarantine. In other places, it’s under other, warmer, circumstances. Man, I envy you people … Regardless, the whole houseful-of-folks experience is part and parcel – no pun intended – of the Christmas season.
So I’m giving you, my extended Story Warren family, a gift this year which I hope will bring you and your loved ones together around a story. This tale happens to be one of my favorites, the Raymond MacDonald Allen classic “Why The Chimes Rang.” I’ve adapted it, Reader’s Theater style, and there’s more than enough parts for all manner of folks, “from 1 to 92” – well, sort of – to be involved in the production. Maybe you add costumes, props, music; the sky’s the limit!
In my mind’s eye, I imagine a whole passel of folks gathered around this story, scripts in hand, parts rehearsed, enjoying the pleasure of sharing this story together. Of course, there’s a crackling fire, some Sinatra or Goodgame on the stereo, a plate of freshly-frosted cookies, and warm socks. (Yes, there must be warm socks; this is indisputable).
So, gather around, and enjoy.
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